mode of marriage

Broader Term: marriage0 Documents

Publication Date
Aberle, David FriendNavaho1974
Anderson, John W.Cousin marriage in context1982
Andifasi, JaisonAn analysis of Roora1970
AnonymousInformation on Brazil and of its leaders1844
Appell, Laura W. R.Menstruation among the Rungus1988
Arhem, KajMakuna social organization1981
Aschwanden, HerbertSymbols of life1982
Beattie, J. H. MNyoro marriage and affinity1958
Beidelman, T. O. (Thomas O.)Luguru1967
Bere-Chikara, FidelisCattle1970
Bisilliat, JeanneLe système familial songhay-zarma1992
Black, LydiaThe Nivkh (Gilyak) of Sakhalin and the Lower Amur1973
Bledsoe, Caroline H.Women and marriage in Kpelle society1980
Boesen, Inger W.Women, honour and love1980
Bohannan, LauraDahomean marriage1949
Bohannan, PaulThree source notebooks in Tiv ethnography1958
Bourdillon, M. F. C.The Shona peoples1976
Bringa, ToneBeing Muslim the Bosnian way1995
Bullock, CharlesThe Mashona and the Matabele1950
Campbell, John KennedyHonour, family and patronage1964
Campbell, John KennedyTraditional values and continuities in Greek society1983
Campistron, M.Ouolof customs in Cayor (Circle of Thiès)1939
Carrier, Achsah H.Structure and process in a Melanesian society1991
Cerulli, ErnestaPeoples of Dar Fung1956
Chabas, JeanMarriage and divorce in the customs of the Ouolof inhabiting large towns in Senegal1952
Clarke, EdithMy mother who fathered me1957
Cohen, David WilliamSiaya1989
Cohen, RonaldThe structure of Kanuri society1960
Collocott, E. E. V. (Ernest Edgar Vyvyan)Marriage in Tonga1923
Colson, Audrey ButtThe Luo of Kenya1952
Crummey, DonaldFamily and property amongst the Amhara nobility1983
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Donnelly, Nancy D.Changing lives of refugee Hmong women1994
Dore, LangtonThe uses of cattle in Shona society1970
Douglass, William A.Death in Murelaga1969
Du Bois, Cora AliceThe people of Alor1944
Du Boulay, JulietThe meaning of dowery1983
Dugast, IdeletteThe Banen1954
Dumas-Champion, FrançoiseLes Masa du Tchad1983
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Ferdinand, KlausMarriage among the Pakhtun nomads of eastern Afghanistan1982
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Gelfand, MichaelThe spiritual beliefs of the Shona1977
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Granqvist, Hilma NataliaMarriage conditions in a Palestinian village1931
Granqvist, Hilma NataliaMarriage conditions in a Palestinian village1935
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Grosz-Ngaté, Maria LuiseMonetization of bridewealth and the abandonment of 'kin roads' to marriage in Sana, Mali1988
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Gutiérrez de Pineda, VirginiaSocial organization in La Guajira1950
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Hadel, RichardCarib folk songs and Carib culture1989
Haeri, ShahlaTemporary marriage1994
Hajdú, PéterThe Samoyed peoples and languages1963
Håkansson, ThomasThe appropriation of fertility1990
Håkansson, ThomasBridewealth, women, and land1988
Håkansson, ThomasGrain, cattle, and power1994
Håkansson, ThomasGender and life-course strategies among the Gusii1997
Håkansson, ThomasDetachability of women1994
Håkansson, ThomasSocioeconmic stratification and marriage payments1990
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Hanretta, SeanWomen, marginality and the Zulu state1998
Harrison, AbigailLife histories, reproductive histories2001
Hay, Margaret JeanWomen as owners, occupants, and managers of property in colonial western Kenya1982
Heald, SuzetteControlling anger1989
Herzfeld, MichaelThe dowery in Greece1980
Herzfeld, MichaelGender pragmatics1985
Herzfeld, MichaelSocial tension and inheritance by lot in three Greek villages1980
Herzfeld, MichaelSematic slippage and moral fall1983
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Hirschon, ReneeHeirs of the Greek catastrophe1989
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Hogbin, G. R. (Geoffrey Robert)An Orokaiva marriage1966
Hogbin, Herbert IanNative culture of Wogeo1935
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Howell, P. P. (Paul Philip)Observations on the Shilluk of the Upper Nile. Customary law1953
Hrdlicka, AlesPhysical and physiological observations on the Navaho1900
Huffman, RayNuer customs and folklore1931
Hugh-Jones, ChristineFrom the Milk River1979
Jackson, Jean E. (Jean Elizabeth)The fish people1983
Janhi, LydiaRoora and marriage1970
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Kenna, Margaret E.Houses, fields and graves1976
Klopper, SandraYou only need one bull to cover fifty cows1987
Kohler, MaxMarriage customs in southern Natal1933
Kopytoff, IgorWomen's roles and existential identities1990
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Lagae, C. R.The Azande or Niam-Niam1926
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Larcom, Joan ClaytonPlace and the politics of marriage2000
Leith-Ross, SylviaAfrican women1934
Leslie, Paul W.People and herds1999
Leslie, Paul W.Population replacement and persistence1999
LeVine, Robert AlanGusii sex offenses1959
LeVine, Robert AlanNyansongo1966
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LeVine, Sarah (Sarah E.)Separation and indivduation in an African society1982
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Lockwood, William G.Bride theft and social maneuverability in western Bosnia1974
Loeb, Edwin MeyerMentawei social organization1962
Magnarella, Paul J.Tradition and change in a Turkish town1974
Makamure, D.M.Cattle and social status1970
Mann, KamleshBhil women1985
Maran, La RawOn the continuing relevance of E. R. Leach's Political systems of Highland Burma to Kachin studies2007
Mayer, PhilipThe lineage principle in Gusii society1949
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McCommon, Carolyn SueMating as a reproductive strategy1989
Mead, MargaretGrowing up in New Guinea1930
Mead, MargaretThe Manus of the Admiralty Islands1937
Meekers, D. (Dominique)The noble custom of roora1993
Mencher, Joan P.Changing familial roles among south Malabar Nayars1962
Mencher, Joan P.Kinship and marriage regulations among the Namboodiri Brahmans of Kerala1967
Moors, AnneliesWomen, property, and Islam1995
Mühlich, MichaelThe waterspirits and the position of women among the Sherpa1997
Musters, George ChaworthOn the races of Patagonia1872
Nath, Y. V. S.Bhils of Ratanmal1960
Needham, RodneyAlliance and classification among the Lamet1960
Newton, JaniceWomen and modern marriage among the Orokaivans1989
Ngubane, HarrietBody and mind in Zulu medicine1977
Njeru, Enos Hudson NthiaThe farming herders1988
Oda Makoto'Munchuu-making' and disequilibrium distribution of knowledge in an Okinawan village1986
Oliver, Douglas L.A Solomon Island society1955
Ottenberg, PhoebeMarriage relationships in the double descent system of the Afikpo Ibo of southeastern Nigeria1980
Pagezy, HélèneFatness and culture among the southern Mongo (Zaire)1991
Parkin, David J.The cultural definition of political response1978
Parmentier, Richard J., Money walks, people talk2002
Peletz, Michael G.Reason and passion1996
Platenkamp, Jos. D. M.The Tobelo of Eastern Halmahera in the context of the field of anthropological study1984
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Pospisil, Leopold J.Structural change and primitive law1969
Puthenkalam, J. (Joseph)Marriage and the family in Kerala1977
Reader, D. H.Zulu tribe in transition1966
Roscoe, JohnThe Bagesu and other tribes of the Uganda Protectorate1924
Rosenfeld, HenryNon-hierchical, hierarchical, and masked reciprocity in an Arab village1974
Rūpa SinghaMarriage and law among the Bhils of Rajasthan1987
Salamone, Stephen D.Introducing the NIKOKYRA1986
Samokvasov, D. (Dmitriĭ)Customs of the natives of Tobolsk Province1876
Santa Cruz, AntonioAspects of the Avunculate in the Guajiro culture1941
Schareika, NikolausPulaaku in action2010
ScheerderLes Wa lu guru1950
Schefold, ReimarThe Unequal brothers-in-law1986
Schefold, ReimarThe speaking sign1991
Scott, George MorganMigrants without mountains1990
Seligman, C. G. (Charles Gabriel)The Nuba1965
Shakespear, JohnThe Lakher or Mara clan1912
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Shell-Duncan, BettinaPremarital childbearing in northwest Kenya1999
Shipton, Parker MacDonaldLuo entrustment1995
Shooter, JosephThe Kafirs of Natal and the Zulu country1857
Smith, Edwin WilliamThe Ila-speaking peoples of Northern Rhodesia1920
Southall, AidanLineage formation among the Luo1952
Spencer, Robert F.The Annamese kinship system1945
Sprenger, GuidoBone transfers2006
Sprenger, GuidoPolitical periphery, cosmological center2006
Stenning, Derrick J.The pastoral Fulani of northern Nigeria1965
Stephen, Alexander M., d. 1894Notes on marriage among the Navajoes, Navajo dress, Navajo dwellings1890
Suárez, Maria MatildeTerminology, alliance and change in Warao society1971
Tavakolian, BahramSheikhanzai women1987
Teit, James AlexanderField notes on the Tahltan and Kaska Indians1956
Teo, Saladin S.The lifestyle of the Badjaos1989
Tharakan C., GeorgeLouis Dumont and the essence of Dravidian kinship terminology2006
Thomas, Northcote WhitridgeAnthropological report on the Ibo-speaking peoples of Nigeria1914
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Tuden, ArthurIla property relations and political processes1968
Tuden, ArthurIla slavery1958
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Villaverde, JuanThe Ifugaos of Quiangan and vicinity1909
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Williams, F. E. (Francis Edgar)Orokaiva society1930
Wilson, GodfreyAn introduction to Nyakyusa society1936
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