Vasilika: a village in modern Greece
Holt, Rinehart and Winston • New York • Published In 1963 • Pages: 18, 110
By: Friedl, Ernestine.
This is an account of village life in Vasilika, located in the Boeotia region of central Greece. Vasilika was chosen by Friedl for her field study because it seemed to show all possible indications of being a good, representative cross-section of a rural village in Greece at that time. An able synthesis of the data is presented, concentrating on the family and interpersonal relations. Data are given on the village -- its physical setting and community organization; the family -- its economic activities, standard of living, the dowry system and inheritance; and interpersonal relations -- within the family, the village and the nation. The author also shows how the traditional patterns of village life are being changed under urban influence, and how these influences have established an irresistible attraction for the young men of the village. The fieldwork upon which this source is based was conducted primarily in 1955-1956 (with the assistance of Fulbright and Wenner-Gren Foundation grants), with very brief return visits in the summer of 1959 and for two days in July 1961. The author, accompanied by her husband who also contributed to the collection of field data, lived in the house of one of the villagers while engaged in her study of Vasilika.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2003
- Region
- Europe
- Sub Region
- Southeastern Europe
- Document Type
- Book
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Ethnologist
- Document Rating
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- John Beierle ; 1965-1966
- Field Date
- 1955-1959
- Coverage Date
- 1955-1959, 1961
- Coverage Place
- Vasilika, Greece
- Notes
- Ernestine Friedl
- Includes bibliographical references
- 62014950
- Greece