eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
A Survey of signs on nutritional ill-health among the Zande of the southern Sudanessay 1950 • Abbott, P. H.
Azande • Africa > Central Africa
This article follows as a clinical note to Culwick's monograph (source No. 61, this file). Writing in a rather technical medical style, the author, a physician and medical officer offers a clinical survey of nutritional ill health and its relation to...The Palestinian women's autonomous movementarticle 1998 • Abdulhadi, Rabab
Palestinians • Middle East > Middle East
In this article Abdulhadi discusses the rise of an autonomous Palestinian women's movement in the Occupied Territories in the 1990s. She asks why a surging women's movement occurred at a time when the nationalist movement was in ebb. She bases her wo...An Iranian village boyhoodessay 1993 • Abedi, Mehdi & Fischer, Michael M. J.
Iran • Middle East > Middle East
This is a personal recollection of a boyhood spent in a small rural village in central Iran. The author describes some of the memorable village 'characters,' religious celebrations, childhood play and mischief, and his own religious schooling....An ethnohistory of Palau under the Japanese colonial administrationBook 1989 • Abe, Goe
Belau • Oceania > Micronesia
This dissertation is an ethnohistorical analysis of the effects of Japanese colonial administration on Belauan life, within the historical context of colonialism in Micronesia. Although this is the basic premise of this work, Abe also describes how t...Infancy related food taboos among the Shipiboarticle 1981 • Abelove, Joan & Campos, Roberta
Shipibo • South America > Amazon and Orinoco
This study examines the topic of food taboos in its social context and the social process in which the taboos are embedded. These taboos occur during illness when native curers often prescribe that specific foods be avoided, and in infancy '…when par...Pre-verbal learning of kinship behavior among Shipibo infants of eastern PeruBook 2000 • Abelove, Joan M.
Shipibo • South America > Amazon and Orinoco
This dissertation examines one specific aspect of cultural learning that may occur duing infancy -- kinship behavior, and how it is acquired. The problem posed by the author is whether or not infants learn culturally appropriate patterns of interacti...The peyote religion among the NavahoBook 1966 • Aberle, David F. (David Friend) et al.
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This is an extremely thorough ethnographic source, concerned with the origins, development, and social functions of the peyote cult (Native American Church) among the Navajo. The author, who participated in the cult by eating peyote numerous times, a...The psychosocial analysis of a Hopi life-historyBook 1951 • Aberle, David Friend
Hopi • North America > Southwest and Basin
This source is an attempt “to analyze a single life-history for the light it sheds on the society in which the subject lives” (p. 1). It should be read in conjunction with or after Talayesva (Document 7), since it is an analysis of that material. Unf...Navahoessay 1974 • Aberle, David Friend
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This source reviews all known data on Navajo kinship and matrilineality, based primarily upon the work of other previous ethnographers. The author discusses in detail the working of Navajo social organization, including clan (and LEC, or 'local clan ...Peyote religion among the Navajoessay 1983 • Aberle, David Friend
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This article focuses on the growth of the Native American Church among the Navajo. Three fundamental issues are addressed: the spread of Peyotism from other tribes through the Navajo population, possible reasons for its success, and its role as a sou...Navajo economic developmentessay 1983 • Aberle, David Friend
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This chapter covers a broad range of topics on Navajo economic development and planning. Beginning with an historical overview, the author (an ethnologist) then moves to more detailed discussions of current problems, including energy resource develop...Navajo coresidential kin groups and lineagesarticle 1981 • Aberle, David Friend
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
In this article, Aberle attempts to make more comprehensible the 'amorphous character of Navajo kinship organization' (p. 1). In particular he describes the 'coresidential kin group' or CKG. The CKG is made up of a portion of a matrilineage and its f...The vital history of San Juan Puebloarticle 1940 • Aberle, Sophie D. et al.
Tewa Pueblos • North America > Southwest and Basin
This document is composed almost entirely of population statistics relevant to the pueblo of San Juan, with particular emphasis on factors affecting the rates of change in population growth, factors bringing about shifts in the relationship between t...Child mortality among Pueblo Indiansarticle 1932 • Aberle, Sophie D.
Tewa Pueblos • North America > Southwest and Basin
This is a study of child mortality in two Tanoan pueblos. Data on mortality are arranged by age of death and compared with comparable figures from White and Colored populations. The mortality rates are arrived at by comparing the number of deaths wit...Senecaessay 1978 • Abler, Thomas S. & Tooker, Elisabeth
Iroquois • North America > Eastern Woodlands
This is an historical survey of the Seneca Iroquois from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. The article deals with the traditional and modern (i.e., twentieth century) territory of the Seneca, their role in the American Revolution, the establi...The sedentarization of nomads in the Western Desert of Egyptarticle 1959 • Abou-Zeid, Ahmad M.
Libyan Bedouin • Africa > Northern Africa
This is a brief sketch of the various programs the Egyptian Government has devised for settling the nomads of the Western Desert and of the effects noted so far. Abou-Zeid briefly discusses three projects: the Wadi-el-Natrun project, which is develop...Culture summaryessay 1999 • Abraham, Nabeel
Arab Americans • North America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
This is a culture summary of the Arab Americans....The Yemeni immigrant community of Detroitessay 1983 • Abraham, Nabeel
Arab Americans • North America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
This is a study of the growing community of Yemeni immigrants in the Detroit, Michigan metropolitan area who arrived primarily during the 1960s and 1970s. The article describes the Yemeni settlement in Detroit, including information on their occupati...Anti-Arab racism and violence in the United Statesessay 1994 • Abraham, Nabeel
Arab Americans • North America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
This is a review of various acts of anti-Arab racism and hate violence in the United States during the 1980s. A report by the Center for Democratic Renewal (CDR) and published by the National Council of Churches recorded nearly 3,000 acts of 'bigoted...The Tiv peoplebook chapter 1933 • Abraham, Roy Clive
Tiv • Africa > Western Africa
This is one of the best monographs on the Tiv. The date of fieldwork is not specified in the book, but it seems likely that it was done in the period immediately preceding the publication of the book....Detroit's Arab-American communityessay 1983 • Abraham, Sameer Y.
Arab Americans • North America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
In this document Abraham describes the diverse Arab-American community in Detroit, Michigan, composed as it is of four major nationality groups -- Lebanese, Palestinians, Yemenis, and Iraq-Chaldeans. 'The diversity of the community is further evidenc...The Southendessay 1983 • Abraham, Sameer Y. et al.
Arab Americans • North America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
The area of Dearborn, Michigan known as Southend, is home to the oldest and most highly concentrated population of Arab-Muslims in North America. This paper profiles this community, its function as an 'immigrant reception area', and the working class...Culture summaryessay 2017 • Abraham, Santhosh
Kerala • Asia > South Asia
This is a culture summary of Kerala. Information is presented on major aspects of the culture of Kerala....Talking BlackBook 1976 • Abrahams, Roger D.
African Americans • North America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
This work is a detailed sociolinguistic study of Black English as it functions as a system of communication within and between various social segments of Afro-American communities in the United States. Much of the material presented here was gathered...The Bacairibook chapter 1938 • Abreu, João Capistrano de & Brunel, A.
Bakairi • South America > Amazon and Orinoco
This is primarily an account on the language of the Bacairi Indians with a good amount of sample words and texts. It also contains a discussion of the mythology and religion of these Indians....