Basehart, Harry W. | Mescalero Apache subsistence patterns and socio-political organization | 1974 |
Basehart, Harry W. | The resource holding corporation among the Mescalero Apache | 1967 |
Basehart, Harry W. | Mescalero Apache band organization and leadership | 1970 |
Boyer, L. Bryce | Folk psychiatry of the Apaches of the Mescalero Indian Reservation | 1964 |
Boyer, L. Bryce | Shamanism and peyote use among the Apaches of the Mescalero Indian Reservation | 1973 |
Boyer, L. Bryce | Effects of acculturation on the vicissitudes of the aggressive drive among the Apaches of the Mescalero Indian Reservation | 1972 |
Boyer, Ruth MacDonald | The matrifocal family among the Mescalero | 1964 |
Curley, Richard T. | Drinking patterns of the Mescalero Apache | 1967 |
Farrer, Claire R. | Culture Summary | 2010 |
Farrer, Claire R. | Play and inter-ethnic communication | 1980 |
Farrer, Claire R. | Mescalero ritual dance | 1978 |
Farrer, Claire R. | Living life's circle | 1991 |
Flannery, Regina | The position of woman among the Mescalero Apache | 1932 |
Goddard, Pliny Earle | Gotal | 1909 |
Kunstadter, Peter | Culture change, social structure, and health behavior | 1980 |
MacLachlan, Bruce B. | On "Indian justice" | 1963 |
MacLachlan, Bruce B. | The Mescalero Apache quest for law and order | 1964 |
Nicholas, Dan | Mescalero Apache girls' puberty ceremony | 1939 |
Opler, Marvin Kaufmann | Plains and Pueblo influences in Mescalero Apache culture | 1971 |
Opler, Morris Edward | Apache odyssey | 1969 |
Opler, Morris Edward | A Mescalero Apache account of the origin of the peyote ceremony | 1945 |
Opler, Morris Edward | The slaying of the monsters, a Mescalero Apache myth | 1946 |
Opler, Morris Edward | Reaction to death among the Mescalero Apache | 1946 |
Opler, Morris Edward | The influence of aboriginal pattern and White contact on a recently introduced ceremony, the Mescalero peyote rite | 1936 |
Opler, Morris Edward | The creative role of shamanism in Mescalero Apache mythology | 1946 |
Opler, Morris Edward | Mescalero Apache | 1983 |
Sonnichsen, C. L. (Charles Leland) | The Mescalero Apaches | 1973 |
Thomas, Alfred Barnaby | The Mescalero Apache, 1653-1874 | 1974 |