

Publication Date
Burton, Richard F[rancis]First footsteps in East Africa1856
Cassanelli, Lee V.The shaping of Somali society1982
Cerulli, EnricoThe lunar stations in the astronomical ideas of the Somalis and the Danaki1957
Cerulli, EnricoNew notes on the astronomical ideas of the Somalis1957
Cerulli, EnricoThe consuetudinary law of northern Somalia (Mijirtein)1959
Cerulli, EnricoTexts of the consuetudinary law of the Marrehân Somali1959
Cerulli, EnricoThe origin of the lower castes of Somalia1959
Cerulli, EnricoPersonal names in Somali1959
Cerulli, EnricoHow a Hawiye tribe used to live1959
Cerulli, EnricoThe dancing of the Somali1964
Cerulli, EnricoThe Somali tribe1964
Cerulli, EnricoNew notes on Islam in Somalia1964
Cerulli, EnricoSomali songs and little texts1921
Cerulli, EnricoObservations on the Moslem movement in Somaliland1925
Drake-Brockman, Ralph EvelynBritish Somaliland1912
Galaal, Muusa H. I.The terminology and practice of Somali weather lore, astronomy, and astrology1968
Helander, BernhardThe slaughtered camel1988
Helander, BernhardCulture summary1997
Kirk, J. W. C.The Yibirs and Midgàns of Somaliland, their traditions and dialects1905
Leroi-Gourhan, AndréFrench Somaliland1953
Lewis, I. M.The Somali lineage system and the total genealogy1957
Lewis, I. M.A pastoral democracy1961
Lewis, I. M.Dualism in Somali notions of power1963
Lewis, I. M.Marriage and the family in northern Somaliland1962
Lewis, I. M.Peoples of the Horn of Africa1955
Lewis, I. M.Modern political movements in Somaliland, I & II1958
Lewis, I. M.The names of God in northern Somali1959
Lewis, I. M.Sufism in Somaliland1956
Lewis, I. M.Clanship and contract in northern Somaliland1959
Marin, G.Somali games1931
Paulitschke, Philipp ViktorContributions to the ethnography and anthropology of the Somali, Galla, and Harari1888
Puccioni, NelloAnthropology and ethnography of the peoples of Somalia1936
Swayne, H[arald] G[eorge] C[arlos]Seventeen trips through Somaliland and a visit to Abyssinia1900