

Publication Date
Achebe, ChinweThe world of the Ogbanje1986
Afigbo, A. E. (Adiele Eberechukwu)Ropes of sand1981
Amadiume, IfiCulture summary2003
Amadiume, IfiAfrikan matriarchal foundations1987
Amadiume, IfiMale daughters, female husbands1987
Anafulu, Joseph C.The Ibo-speaking peoples of southern Nigeria1981
Basden, George ThomasAmong the Ibos of Nigeria1966
Basden, George ThomasNiger Ibos1966
Bastian, Misty L.Dancing women and colonial men2001
Bastian, Misty L.The demon superstition2001
Bastian, Misty L.Fires, tricksters and poisoned medicines1998
Bastian, Misty L.Married in the water1997
Bastian, Misty L.The world as marketplace2001
Forde, Cyril DaryllIbo (Igbo)1950
Green, M. M. (Margaret Mackeson)Ibo village affairs1964
Henderson, Helen KreiderRitual roles of women in Onitsha Ibo society1980
Henderson, Richard N.The king in every man1972
Henderson, Richard N.An outline of traditional Onitsha Ibo socialization1966
Igwebuike, Raphael UmeraBarriers to agricultural development1980
Jones, Gwilym IwanEcology and social structure among the North eastern Ibo1961
Jones, Gwilym IwanIbo age organization, with special reference to the Cross River and north-eastern Ibo1962
Leith-Ross, SylviaAfrican women1934
McCall, John C. (John Christensen)Dancing histories2000
Meek, C. K. (Charles Kingsley)Law and authority in a Nigerian tribe1970
Nzimiro, IkennaStudies in Ibo political systems1972
Ohadike, Don C.Anioma1994
Okere, Linus ChukwuemekaSocio-economic and cultural aspects of food and food habits in rural Igboland1980
Okonjo, Isabel KameneThe role of women in social change among the Igbo of southeastern Nigeria living west of the River Niger1980
Ottenberg, PhoebeThe Afikpo Ibo of eastern Nigeria1965
Ottenberg, PhoebeMarriage relationships in the double descent system of the Afikpo Ibo of southeastern Nigeria1980
Ottenberg, SimonDouble descent in an African society1968
Ottenberg, SimonLeadership and authority in an African society1971
Ottenberg, SimonMasked rituals of Afikpo, the context of an African art1975
Ottenberg, SimonBoyhood rituals in an African society1989
Smock, Audrey C.Ibo politics1971
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Thomas, Northcote WhitridgeAnthropological report on the Ibo-speaking peoples of Nigeria1914
Uchendu, Victor ChikezieThe Igbo of southeast Nigeria1965