Oceaniaagro-pastoralistsAuthor | Title | Publication Date |
Connell, John | Culture Summary | 2016 |
Connell, John | Temporary townsfolk? | 1988 |
Connell, John | Hunting and gathering | 1977 |
Connell, John | Taim bilong mani | 1978 |
Oliver, Douglas L. | A Solomon Island society | 1955 |
Oliver, Douglas L. | Human relations and language in a Papuan-speaking tribe of southern Bougainville, Solomon Islands | 1949 |
Oliver, Douglas L. | Economic and social uses of domestic pigs in Siuai, southern Bougainville, Solomon Islands | 1949 |
Oliver, Douglas L. | Land tenure in northeast Siuai, southern Bougainville, Solomon Islands | 1949 |