
Middle America and the Caribbeanhorticulturalists

Publication Date
Chapin, MacCuring among the San Blas Kuna of Panama1997
Cullen, EdwardThe Darien Indians1867
De Puydt, LucienAccount of scientific explorations in the Isthmus of Darien in the years 1861-18651868
De Smidt, Leon SylvesterAmong the San Blas Indians of Panama, giving a description of their manners, customs and beliefs1948
Densmore, FrancesMusic of the Tule Indians of Panama1926
Holloman, ReginaDevelopmental change in San Blas1997
Holmer, Nils MagnusMu-igala or the way of muu9999
Holmer, Nils MagnusCuna chrestomathy1951
Howe, JamesThe Kuna gathering1986
Krieger,Herbert WilliamMaterial culture of the people of southeastern Panama, based on specimens in the United States National Museum1926
Marshall, Donald StanleyCuna folk9999
McKim, FredSan Blas1947
Moore, AlexanderLore and life1983
Nordenskiöld, ErlandAn historical and ethnological survey of the Cuna Indians1938
Nordenskiöld, Erland, freiherreCuna Indian religion1930
Nordenskiöld, Erland, freiherreMiracle men and diviners among the Cuna Indians1931
Nordenskiöld, Erland, freiherreThe relationships between art, religion and magic among the Cuna and Choco Indians1929
Nordenskiöld, Erland, freiherrePicture-writings and other documents by Néle, paramount chief of the Cuna Indians and Ruben Pérez Kantule, his secretary1928
Nordenskiöld, Erland, freiherrePicture-writings and other documents by Néle, Charles Slater, Charlie Nelson and other Cuna Indians1930
Sherzer, JoelKuna ways of speaking1983
Stout, David BondSan Blas Cuna acculturation1947
Stout, David BondFurther notes on albinism among the San Blas Cuna, Panama1946
Swain, Margaret ByrneBeing Cuna and female1982
Tice, Karin E. (Karin Elaine)Culture summary1999
Tice, Karin E. (Karin Elaine)Kuna crafts, gender, and the global economy1995
Ventocilla, JorgePlants and animals in the life of the Kuna1995
Wafer, LionelA new voyage and description of the Isthmus of America1934
Wassén, HenryContributions to Cuna ethnography1949