
North Americahunter-gatherers

Publication Date
Boas, FranzKinship terms of the Kutenai Indians1919
Brunton, Bill B.Culture Summary2018
Brunton, Bill B.Kootenai1998
Brunton, Bill B.Kootenai divination2002
Chamberlain, Alexander FrancisReport on the Kootenay Indians of south-eastern British Columbia1893
Malouf, Carling I. (Carling Isaac)Early Kutenai history1952
Sapir, EdwardKinship terms of the Kootenay Indians1918
Schaeffer, Claude E.Bear ceremonialism of the Kutenai Indians1966
Schaeffer, Claude E.Early Christian mission of the Kutenai Indians1971
Schaeffer, Claude E.Plains Kutenai1982
Schaeffer, Claude E.The Kutenai female berdache1965
Tro, Roger P.The material culture of the Kutenai1967
Turney-High, Harry HolbertEthnography of the Kutenai1941