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Gragson, Theodore Louis | Strategic procurement of fish by the Pumé | 1992 |
Hilton, Charles E. | Age, sex, and resource transport in Venezuelan foragers | 2004 |
Kramer, Karen | Changing patterns of infant mortality and maternal fertility among Pumé foragers and horticulturalists | 2007 |
Kramer, Karen | Early reproductive maturity among Pumé foragers | 2009 |
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Le Besnerais, Henri | Contribution to the study of the Yaruro Indians (Venezuela) | 1966 |
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Leeds, Anthony | Yaruro incipient tropical forest horticulture: | 1961 |
Leeds, Anthony | Ecological determinants of chieftainship among the Yaruro Indians of Venezuela | 1962 |
Leeds, Anthony | The ideology of the Yaruro Indians in relation to socio-economic organization | 1960 |
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Mitrani, Philippe | Contribution a l'etude des formes religieuses ey culturelles chez les Yaruro de l'apure | 1973 |
Mitrani, Philippe | Remarques sur l'organisation sociale, la parente et l'alliance des Yaruro de l'Apure | 1975 |
Orobitg Canal, Gemma | Première partie | 1998 |
Petrullo, Vincenzo | The Yaruros of the Capanaparo River, Venezuela | 1939 |