
South Americaother subsistence combinations

Publication Date
Gragson, Theodore LouisCulture Summary2014
Gragson, Theodore LouisPumé exploitation of Mauritia flexuosa (palmae) in the llanos of Venezuela1995
Gragson, Theodore LouisStrategic procurement of fish by the Pumé1992
Hilton, Charles E.Age, sex, and resource transport in Venezuelan foragers2004
Kramer, KarenChanging patterns of infant mortality and maternal fertility among Pumé foragers and horticulturalists2007
Kramer, KarenEarly reproductive maturity among Pumé foragers2009
Kramer, KarenPostmarital residence and bilateral kin associations among hunter-gathers2011
Le Besnerais, HenriContribution to the study of the Yaruro Indians (Venezuela)1966
Le Besnerais, HenriContribution to the study of the Yaruro and Otomac Indians (Venezuela)1966
Leeds, AnthonyYaruro incipient tropical forest horticulture:1961
Leeds, AnthonyEcological determinants of chieftainship among the Yaruro Indians of Venezuela1962
Leeds, AnthonyThe ideology of the Yaruro Indians in relation to socio-economic organization1960
Leeds, AnthonySome problems of Yaruro ethnohistory1964
Mitrani, PhilippeContribution a l'etude des formes religieuses ey culturelles chez les Yaruro de l'apure1973
Mitrani, PhilippeRemarques sur l'organisation sociale, la parente et l'alliance des Yaruro de l'Apure1975
Orobitg Canal, GemmaPremière partie1998
Petrullo, VincenzoThe Yaruros of the Capanaparo River, Venezuela1939