
South Americahorticulturalists

Publication Date
Barker, JamesMemoir on the culture of the Waica1953
Barker, JamesRaids among the Waica1959
Becher, HansThe Surara and Pakidai, two Yanoama tribes in northwest Brazil1960
Chagnon, Napoleon A.Yanomamö warfare, social organization and marriage alliances1967
Chagnon, Napoleon A.Ya̦nomamö, the fierce people1968
Early, John D.The population dynamics of the Mucajai Yanomama1990
Hames, Raymond B.Culture summary1995
Human Relations Area FilesAdditional bibliography on the Yanoama1993
Layrisse, MiguelBlood group antigen tests of the Waica Indians of Venezuela1962
Rodrigues, Aryon Dall'IngaOn the language of the Surara and Pakidai1960
Schuster, MeinhardThe sociology of the Waica1958
Wilbert, JohannesThe Sanema1963