Burkhalter, S. Brian | Culture Summary | 2003 |
Burkhalter, S. Brian | Tappers and sappers | 1989 |
Burkhalter, Steve Brian | Amazon gold rush | 2001 |
Frikel, Protásio | The agriculture of the Mundurucu Indians | 1959 |
Horton, Donald | The Mundurucu | 1948 |
Kruse, Albert | Mundurucú moieties | 1934 |
Martius, Karl Friedrich Phil[ipp] von | The Indian folk societies, tribes and hordes in Brazil and several neighboring districts, land and peoples | 1867 |
Murphy, Robert F. (Robert Francis) | Mundurucu religion | 1958 |
Murphy, Robert Francis | The rubber trade and the Mundurucu village | 1954 |
Murphy, Robert Francis | Matrilocality and patrilineality in Mundurucu society | 1959 |
Murphy, Robert Francis | Intergroup hostility and social cohesion | 1959 |
Murphy, Robert Francis | Mundurucú Indians | 1956 |
Murphy, Robert Francis | Headhunter's heritage; social and economic change among the Mundurucú Indians | 1960 |
Murphy, Robert Francis | Deviance and social control I | 1961 |
Murphy, Yolanda | Women of the forest | 1985 |
Nimuendajú, Kurt | Relations between the Mundurucu and the Tupi | 1938 |
Tocantins, Antonio Manoel Goncalves | Studies on the Mundurucu Tribe | 1877 |