
South Americaprimarily hunter-gatherers

Publication Date
Burkhalter, S. BrianCulture Summary2003
Burkhalter, S. BrianTappers and sappers1989
Burkhalter, Steve BrianAmazon gold rush2001
Frikel, ProtásioThe agriculture of the Mundurucu Indians1959
Horton, DonaldThe Mundurucu1948
Kruse, AlbertMundurucú moieties1934
Martius, Karl Friedrich Phil[ipp] vonThe Indian folk societies, tribes and hordes in Brazil and several neighboring districts, land and peoples1867
Murphy, Robert F. (Robert Francis)Mundurucu religion1958
Murphy, Robert FrancisThe rubber trade and the Mundurucu village1954
Murphy, Robert FrancisMatrilocality and patrilineality in Mundurucu society1959
Murphy, Robert FrancisIntergroup hostility and social cohesion1959
Murphy, Robert FrancisMundurucú Indians1956
Murphy, Robert FrancisHeadhunter's heritage; social and economic change among the Mundurucú Indians1960
Murphy, Robert FrancisDeviance and social control I1961
Murphy, YolandaWomen of the forest1985
Nimuendajú, KurtRelations between the Mundurucu and the Tupi1938
Tocantins, Antonio Manoel GoncalvesStudies on the Mundurucu Tribe1877