
South Americaprimarily hunter-gatherers

Publication Date
Alvarsson, Jan-åkeThe Mataco of the Gran Chaco1988
Alvarsson, Jan-ÅkeCulture summary1997
Dijour, élisabethCeremonies for the expulsion of illnesses among the Mataco1933
Fock, NielsMataco marriage1963
Karsten, RafaelIndian tribes of the Argentine and Bolivian Chaco1932
Métraux, AlfredMyths and tales of the Matako Indians (the Gran Chaco, Argentina)1939
Métraux, AlfredReport on the ethnography of the Mataco Indians of the Argentine Gran Chaco1944
Métraux, AlfredSuicide among the Matako of the Gran Chaco1943
Pelleschi, JuanThe Mataco Indians and their language1896