Peasant marketing in Java
Free Press of Glencoe • New York • Published In 1962 • Pages: xxi, 238
By: Dewey, Alice G., Massachusetts Institute Of Technology. Center For International Studies.
Dewey's effort in this source is to "show…the functional interrelationship between patterns of trade and the social and economic patterns of peasant society." (p. xix) Her research was conducted in the town market of Modjokuto (a pseudonym), and her data regarding the marketing operations there are presented in the context of the character of internal markets in peasant economic systems, the influence of social factors on economic structure, patterns of exchange and types of traders, finance, small- and large-scale trade, trade in garden products and other foods, artisans in the market place, and the sale of manufactured and processed goods. An historical overview of marketing in Java is presented, as well as appendices illustrating volume of market trade and a trader's sales and purchases.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2010
- Region
- Asia
- Sub Region
- Southeast Asia
- Document Type
- Book
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Ethnologist
- Document Rating
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Del Childs ; Marlene Martin ; 1982
- Field Date
- Nov. 1952- July 1954
- Coverage Date
- 1952-1954
- Coverage Place
- Mojokerto, East Java, Indonesia
- Notes
- Alice G. Dewey
- 'Research ... sponsored by The Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology'--Series t.p.
- Includes bibliographical references (p. 235-238)
- The endpaper maps, available in other Modjokuto sources, were not processed here because of reproduction difficulties.
- 62010585
- Javanese (Indonesian people)/Produce trade--Indonesia--Java
- Cottage industries--Indonesia--Java
- Java (Indonesia)--Commerce