human effects on environment
Broader Term: exploitative activities67 DocumentsScope Note
Extent to which the natural environment is altered as the broader result of human activities (e.g. depletion of geological resources; promotion or suppression of erosion and/or of wild species through burning, over-exploitation, etc.); causes, incidence and types of pollution; methods of measuring; organized attempts to contain or clean up environmental pollution and to restore preexisting conditions; attempts at legal control; anti-pollution devices; recycling of waste materials; recycling centers; general statements on the effects of pollution; environmental movements, etc. This category is intended only for explicit discussion of how humans affect the environment. General statements on climate change will be listed under category 132 unless human actions are implicated.
Broader Term
Related Terms
- 130 geography
- 164 morbidity
- 182 functional/adaptational interpretations
- 185 cultural goals
- 312 water supply
- 361 settlement patterns
- 364 refuse disposal and sanitary facilities
- 369 urban and rural life
- 370 energy and power
- 647 administrative agencies
- 654 research and development
- 656 government regulation
- 671 legal norms
- 731 disasters
- 744 public health and sanitation
- 753 theory of disease