theoretical orientation

Broader Term: research methods0 Documents

Publication Date
Acheson, James M.Limited good or limited goods?1972
Aginsky, Bernard W. (Bernard Willard)The mechanics of kinship1935
Aginsky, Bernard W. (Bernard Willard)Psychopathic trends in culture1939
Ahmad, SaghirSocial stratification in a Punjabi village1970
Ahmad, SaghirClass and power in a Punjabi village1977
Ahmed, Akbar S.Millenium and charisma among Pathans1980
Alba, Richard D.Italian Americans1985
Alessandrini, Anthony PeterBeyond the 'Godfather' image1986
Alissi, Albert S.Boys in Little Italy1978
Alvírez, DavidThe effects of formal church affiliation and religiosity on fertility patterns of Mexican Americans in Austin, Texas1986
Amorosi, ThomasContributions to the zooarchaeology of Iceland1989
Anders, Gary C.Dependence and underdevelopment1987
Andrade, Sally JonesFamily planning practices of Mexican Americans1980
Appell, George N.Emergent structuralism1988
Appell, George N.The ecological and social consequences of conversation to Christianity among the Rungus Dusun of Sabah, Malaysia1997
Aschwanden, HerbertSymbols of life1982
Bakalian, Anny P.Armenian-Americans1993
Barth, FredrikFeatures of person and society in Swat1981
Basso, Keith H.Western Apache language and culture1990
Beach, HughReindeer-herd management in transition1981
Behrens, Clifford A.The cultural ecology of dietary change accompanying changing activity patterns among the Shipibo1986
Behrens, Clifford A.Labor specialization and the formation of markets for food in a Shipibo subsistance economy1992
Benmayor, RinaFor every story there is another story which stands before it1988
Berglund, Axel-IvarZulu thought-patterns and symbolism1976
Berman Santana, DéborahKicking off the bootstraps1966
Bernardoni, Louis CharlesCritical factors influencing the stated vocational preference of male White-Mountain Apache students1980
Bertocci, Peter J.Elusive villages1992
Béteille, André MarieThe tribulations of fieldwork1975
Betzig, Laura L.Redistribution1988
Bhattacharyya, Deborah PooleBengali conceptions of mental illness1992
Bianchi, Cynthia ChamberlainGubida illness and religious ritual among the Garifuna of Santa Fe, Honduras1989
Biesele, MeganHunters, clients and squatters1989
Biesele, MeganWomen like meat1993
Biesele, MeganJu/'hoan women's tracking knowledge and its contribution to their husbands' hunting success2001
Bishop, Kent AusburnThe Hmong of central California1990
Blackburn, Roderic H.Fission, fusion, and foragers in East Africa1996
Blurton Jones, N. G. (Nicholas G.)!Kung knowledge of animal behavior1976
Boelhower, WilliamItalo-Canadian poetry and ethnic semiosis in the postmodern context1992
Boelscher, MarianneThe Curtain within1988
Bonilla, FrankManos que sobran1994
Bonnin, DebbyClaiming spaces, changing places2000
Bott, ElizabethA rejoinder to Edmund Leach1972
Bourgois, Philippe I.In search of masculinity1996
Brower, Barbara AnneLivestock and landscape1990
Brumbach, Hetty JoWoman the hunter1997
Buck, Elizabeth BentzelParadise remade1993
Burling, RobbinsGaro kinship terms and the analysis of meaning1963
Calderon, Eddie A.The impact of Indochinese resettlement on the Phillips and Elliot Park neighborhoods in South Minneapolis1982
Cappelletty, Gordon Guy, IIFactors affecting psychological distress within the Hmong refugee community1990
Caro Baroja, JulioLos vascos1958
Carrier, James G.Wage, trade, and exchange in Melanesia1989
Cashdan, Elizabeth A.Trade and reciprocity among the River Bushmen of northern Botswana1988
Chiacchio, Concetta A. MaglioneCurrent patterns of socialization and adaptation in an Italian American community1987
Chisholm, James S.Navajo infancy1983
Chodorkoff, Daniel ElliotUn milagro de Loisaida1992
Cinel, DinoFrom Italy to San Francisco1982
Clamp, Christina AnneManaging cooperation at Mondragon1989
Cohen, AbnerArab border-villages in Israel1972
Collins, Thomas WilliamThe Northern Ute economic development program1980
Combès, IsabelleSlaves without masters?2006
Cook, ScottTeitipac and its metateros1979
Cornell, John B.Local group stability in the Japanese community1963
Cortes, FelixThe cultural expression of Puerto Ricans in New York1976
Crissman, Lawrence WilliamTown and country1983
Cross, Harold E.Genetic studies in an Amish isolate1987
Damon, Frederick H.From Muyuw to the Trobriands1990
Damon, Frederick H.What moves the Kula1983
Damon, Frederick H.Kula Valuables2002
Damon, Frederick H.Muyuw kinship and the metamorphosis of gender labour1983
Dauenhauer, RichardText and context of Tlingit oral tradition1988
Davidson, Andrew ParksWomen and the household economy1998
Davis, MarvinRank and rivalry1983
Davis, MarvinA philosophy of Hindu rank from rural West Bengal1976
de Haas, MaryEthnicity and federalism1994
Dector Korn, Shulamit RoseTo please oneself1978
Dector Korn, Shulamit RoseHousehold composition in the Tongan Islands1975
DeGlopper, Donald R.City on the sands1983
Denniston, CarterThe blood groups of three Konyag isolates1966
Dimen, MurielServants and sentries1986
Djurfeldt, GöranPills against poverty1975
Draper, PatriciaTechnological change and child behavior among the !Kung1988
Draper, PatriciaIf you have a child you have a life1992
Draper, PatriciaRoom to maneuver1992
Du Toit, Brian M.Religious revivalism among urban Zulu1971
Dubisch, JillGender, kinship, and religion1991
Dubisch, JillIntroduction1986
Durrenberger, E. PaulEvery Icelander a special case1996
Durrenberger, E. PaulThe dynamics of medieval Iceland1992
Durrenberger, E. PaulLaw and literature in medieval Iceland1992
Durrenberger, E. PaulThe Icelandic family sagas as totemic artefacts1991
Durrenberger, E. PaulAnthropological perspectives on the commonwealth period1989
Dyson-Hudson, RadaSouth Turkana nomadism1985
Edwards, Carolyn P.Acknowledgements2004
Egnor, Margaret TrawickOn the meaning of sakti to women in Tamil Nadu1991
El-Or, TamarEducated and ignorant1994
Estades, RosaPatterns of political participation of Puerto Ricans in New York City1978
Eyles, JohnLife history as method1993
Falcon, AngeloA history of Puerto Rican politics in New York City1984
Fernandez, James W.Divinations, confessions, testimonies1967
Ferreira, Mariana K. Leal (Mariana Kawall Leal)Slipping through sky holes1998
Fichera, SebastianThe meaning of community1991
Firth, RaymondHistory and traditions of Tikopia1961
Firth, RaymondTikopia ritual and belief1967
Firth, RaymondMagnitudes and values in kula exchange1983
Flores, JuanPuerto Rican language and culture in New York City1987
Fogelson, Raymond D.Cherokee notions of power1977
Fogelson, Raymond D.An Analysis of Cherokee sorcery and witchcraft1975
Foley, Douglas E.The Fox Project1999
Fransted, DennisThe secular uses of traditional religion and knowledge in modern Navajo society1982
Friedl, ErnestineLagging emulation in post-peasant society1964
Frisbie, Charlotte JohnsonAn approach to the ethnography of Navajo ceremonial performance1980
Fruzzetti, Lina M.Kinship and ritual in Bengal1984
Fruzzetti, Lina M.The cultural construction of the person in Bengal and Tamilnadu1982
Fugle, Eugene MiltonMesquakie witchcraft lore1961
Garbarino, Merwyn S.Economic development and the decision-making process on Big Cypress Indian Reservation, Florida1989
Gayton, A. H. (Anna Hadwick)Culture-environment integration1976
Geertz, HildredLatah in Java1968
Gesualdi, Louis J.The Italian Americans1992
Gilbreath, KentRed capitalism1977
Gísli PálssonCoastal economies, cultural accounts1991
Gísli PálssonThe politics of production1996
Gluckman, MaxAnalysis of a social situation in modern Zululand1940
Goldberg, Harvey E.Greentown's youth1984
González, Nancie L. SolienSojourners of the Caribbean1988
González, Nancie L. SolienBlack Carib household structure1969
González, Roberto J. (Roberto Jesús)Zapotec science2001
Goodwin, GrenvilleA comparison of Navaho and White Mountain Apache ceremonial forms and categories1945
Graham, Joe StanleyThe CASO1981
Granqvist, Hilma NataliaMarriage conditions in a Palestinian village1931
Griffith, David CraigInjury and therapy1992
Griffith, David CraigFishers at work, workers at sea2002
Guenther, Mathias GeorgThe Farm Bushmen of the Ghanzi District, Botswana1979
Guenther, Mathias GeorgDiversity and flexibility1996
Gullick, C. J. M. R.Exiled from St. Vincent1976
Hafner-Hoppenworth, Annette YvonneHmong Paj Ntaub1990
Håkansson, ThomasDetachability of women1994
Håkansson, ThomasSocioeconmic stratification and marriage payments1990
Halpern, Joel Martin1986 Perspectives on long-term research1986
Handelman, DonWork and play among the aged1977
Hanretta, SeanWomen, marginality and the Zulu state1998
Hanson, F. AllanThe making of the Maori1989
Harney, Robert F.Caboto and other PARENTELA1992
Harpending, HenryRegional variation in !Kung populations1976
Harrell, StevanPloughshare village1982
Hart, David M.Rejoinder to Henry Munson, Jr.1989
Hart, Gillian PatriciaLabor allocation strategies in rural Javanese households1982
Hayes, Christopher L.A study of the older Hmong refugees in the United States1990
Heald, SuzetteControlling anger1989
Hernández Hiraldo, Samiri"If God were black and from Loíza"2006
Herzfeld, MichaelLiteracy as symbolic strategy in Greece1990
Hicks, DavidA structural analysis of Aweikoma symbolism1966
Hill, George W.The Warao of the Amacuro Delta1956
Hitchcock, Robert K.Patterns of senentism among the Basarwa of eastern Botswana1982
Hockings, PaulOn giving salt to buffaloes1968
Hockings, PaulCultural change among the Badagas1989
Hockings, PaulBadaga kinship rules in their socio-economic context1982
Hoebel, E. Adamson (Edward Adamson)Man in the primitive world1949
Howell, NancyDemography of the Dobe !Kung1979
Hoyt, Elizabeth E.The children of Tama1963
Hull, Matthew S. (Matthew Stuart)Ruled by records2008
Hutchins, EdwinCulture and inference1980
Hymes, Dell H.A Pattern of verbal irony in Chinookan1987
Irvine Judith T.Caste and communication in a Wolof village1974
Irwin, Geoffrey J.Chieftainship, kula and trade in Massim prehistory1983
Jansen, Clifford J.Italians in a multicultural Canada1987
Janssens, Luc GhislainThe integration of Hmong adults into American society through the community college1990
Jarvenpa, RobertEthnoarchaeology and gender1995
Johnson, Charles R.Hmong myths, legends and folk tales1982
Johnson, Colleen LeahyGrowing up and growing old in Italian-American families1985
Jón Haukur IngimundarsonSpinning goods and tales1992
Jørgensen, Jørgen BalslevGrowth studies on a hybrid population of Eskimo-White origin in southwestern Alaska1963
Kahn, Susan MarthaReproducing Jews2000
Katz, RichardEducation for transcendence1976
Kearney, George E.Cognitive capacity among the Orokaiva1966
Kenna, Margaret E.Changing places and altered perspectives1992
Kerns, VirginiaWomen and the ancestors1983
Kidd, Stephen W.Love and hate among the people without things1999
Kirkpatrick, JohnThe Marquesan notion of the person1983
Kirton, ElizabethThe locked medicine cabinet1990
Klass, MortonMarriage rules in Bengal1966
Kluckhohn, ClydeNavaho witchcraft1944
Kluckhohn, ClydeGroup tensions1945
Kluckhohn, ClydeSome notes on Navaho dreams1951
Kohnert, DirkRural class differentiation in Nigeria -- Theory and Practice1979
Konner, MelvinAspects of the developmental ecology of a foraging people1972
Konner, MelvinMaternal care, infant behavior and development among the !Kung1976
Koolage, William W.Conceptual negativism in Chipewyan ethnology1975
Kramer, JenniferPhysical and figurative repatriation2006
Krase, JeromeAmerica's Little Italies1990
Kratz, Corinne AnneSexual solidarity and the secrets of sight and sound1990
Kratz, Corinne Anne"We've always done it like this . . . except for a few details"1993
Kraybill, Donald B.The Amish encounter with modernity1994
Kresse, KaiIZIBOBGO -- the political art of praising1998
Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)The Yokuts language of south central California1907
Kunkel, Peter H.The Pomo kin group and the political unit in aboriginal California1974
Kuper, AdamThe 'house' and Zulu political structure in the nineteenth century1993
Kupferer, Harriet JaneThe 'principal people,' 19601966
Lacroix, LaurierItalian art and artists in nineteenth-century Quebec1992
Ladd, JohnA systematic reconstruction of Navaho ethics1957
Lamphere, LouiseSymbolic elements in Navajo ritual1969
Landar, Herbert JayFluctuation in Navajo kinship terminology1962
Landsman, Gail H.Sovereignty and symbol1988
Langer, Erick DetlefThe "Chiriguano Wars"2009
Larcom, Joan ClaytonPlace and the politics of marriage2000
Laughlin, William S.General introduction1966
Leach, Edmund R.Concerning Trobriand clans and the kinship category TABU1971
Leach, Edmund RonaldThe structure of symbolism1972
Leach, Jerry W.Introduction1983
Leach, Jerry W.Trobriand territorial categories and the problem of who is not in the kula1983
Lee, S. G.Social influences in Zulu dreaming1958
Levine, Morton H.Basque isolation1964
LeVine, Robert AlanNyansongo1966
Limón, José EduardoTexas-Mexican popular music and dancing1983
Limón, José Eduardocarne, carnales, and the carnivalesque1989
Lindholm, CharlesLeadership categories and social processes in Islam1986
Lindisfarne, NancyDirect exchange and brideprice1981
Lindisfarne, NancyMarriage preferences and ethnic relations among Durrani Pashtuns of Afghan Turkestan1982
Lingenfelter, Sherwood G.Emic structure and decision-making in Yap1977
Little, Michael A.Framework and theory1999
Long, John M.Cultural styles and adolescent sex role perceptions1980
Lorenz, Karl G. (Karl Gregory)A re-examination of Natchez sociopolitical complexity1997
Lounsbury, Floyd G.Another view of Trobriand kinship categories1965
Lozios, PeterGender and kinship in marriage and alternative contexts1991
Macas, LuisIndigenous destiny in indigenous hands2003
Malarney, Shaun KingsleyThe limits of 'state functionalism' and the reconstruction of funerary ritual in contemporary northern Vietnam1996
Marlowe, FrankThe Hadza2010
Marshall, Mac'Problem deflation' and the ethnographic record1990
Martin, Emily M.Segmentation in Chinese lineages1976
Martinelli, Phylis CancillaEthnicity in the sunbelt1989
Martini, Mary I.Parenting in Polynesia1992
Mashreque, Md. ShairulPolitical economy of peasant community in Bangladesh1997
Maude, Alaric MervynLand shortage and population in Tonga1973
Mayer, IonaThe nature of kinship relations1965
McCall, John C. (John Christensen)Dancing histories2000
McCommon, Carolyn SueMating as a reproductive strategy1989
McNall, MilesThe educational achievement of the St. Paul Hmong1994
Mead, MargaretGrowing up in New Guinea1930
Mead, MargaretNew lives for old1956
Mead, MargaretAn investigation of the thought of primitive children with special reference to animism1932
Melville, Margarita B.Introduction1980
Mencher, Joan P.Agriculture and social structure in Tamil Nadu1978
Mencher, Joan P.Viewing hierarchy from the bottom up1975
Mentzer, E. HollisPersonality profiles for two central Thai villages1975
Messer, EllenZapotec plant knowledge1979
Milbrath, Robert StephenInstitutional development and capital accumulation in a complex of Basque worker cooperatives1989
Miller, William IanEmotions and the sagas1992
Mintz, Sidney WilfredPuerto Rico1966
Miranda, ManuelChicano aging and mental health1981
Montagne, RobertThe Berbers and the Makhzen in the south of Morocco1930
Morgan, WilliamNavaho treatment of sickness1931
Morris, CraigThe infrastructure of Inka control in the Peruvian central highlands1982
Morton, Keith LouisKinship, economics, and exchange in a Tongan village1978
Munn, Nancy D.Constructing regional worlds in experience1990
Nadel, S. F. (Siegfried Frederick)The Kede1940
Nash, ManningThe golden road to modernity1965
Newton, JaniceOrokaiva production and change1985
Ngubane, HarrietBody and mind in Zulu medicine1977
Nichols, Patricia CauseyLinguistic change in Gullah1989
Njeru, Enos Hudson NthiaThe farming herders1988
O'Nell, Carl W.Sex differences in the incidence of susto in two Zapotec pueblos1968
Oliveira, Roberto Cardoso deMarriage and Terena tribal solidarity1961
Olsen, Nancy JohnstonThe effect of household composition on the child rearing practices of Taiwanese families1983
Olshan, Marc AlanModernity, the folk society, and the Old Order Amish1994
Olshan, Marc AlanHomespun bureaucracy1994
Olshan, Marc AlanConclusion1994
Ortiz, AlfonsoThe Tewa world1969
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Patai, RaphaelIsrael between East and West1953
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Perin, RobertoIntroduction1992
Polgar, StevenBiculturation of Mesquakie teenage boys1960
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Rapoport, Robert N.Changing Navaho religious values1954
Ray, Verne FrederickThe Chinook Indians in the early 1800s1975
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Rick, KathrynAn investigation of the process of biculturation with Hmong refugees1990
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Robinson, Marguerite S.Complementary filiation and marriage in the Trobriand Islands1972
Roe, Peter G.Art and residence among the Shipibo Indians of Peru1980
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Schefold, ReimarReligious involution1976
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Schlegel, AliceAfrican political models in the American Southwest1992
Schwimmer, Eric G.Reciprocity and structure1979
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Shepardson, Britton L.The role of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) statuary as territorial boundary markers2005
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Sider, Karen BluAffinity and the role of the father in the Trobriands1967
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Silva, Milton Manuel daThe Basque nationalist movement1989
Singer, RonaldThe biology of the San1978
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