Nisa, the life and words of a !Kung woman
Book 1981 Shostak, Marjorie

SanAfrica > Southern Africa
Through the eyes of a Dobe area !Kung woman in her 50s, the author paints a portrait of !Kung life cycle and sexuality. The book is nearly all told in the first person, by Nisa (pseudonym), with a short topical summary at the beginning of each chapte...

The creative individual in the world of the !Kung San
essay 1993 Shostak, Marjorie

SanAfrica > Southern Africa
In this paper, Shostak explores !Kung creativity and the problematic role of !Kung artists in their highly egalitarian society. Although !Kung musicians, healers, bead-weavers, and storytellers are constantly contributing to and refreshing !Kung cult...

Timing and management of birth among the !Kung
article 1987 Konner, Melvin & Shostak, Marjorie

SanAfrica > Southern Africa
In this paper, Konner and Shostak examine the influence of cultural traditions on birth spacing and birth management among the !Kung. Although the !Kung do not use contraception or abstain from sex, they have low natural fertility. Late menarche and ...