Tobacco and shamanistic ecstasy among the Warao Indians of Venezuela
flesh of the gods; the ritual use of hallucinogens • New York • Published In 1972 • Pages: 55-83
By: Wilbert, Johannes.
This article presents a detailed discussion of the use of tobacco by Warao shamans to induce hallucinogenic trances. In the process of describing this phenomenon, Wilbert provides much additional information on the three basic types of shamans found among the Warao -- the WISHIRATU, BAHANROUTU, and HOAROTU. Also contained in this paper are frequent references to shamanistic practices in other parts of the world THAT show similarity to those of the Warao.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2000
- Region
- South America
- Sub Region
- Amazon and Orinoco
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Ethnologist
- Document Rating
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- John Beierle ; 1985
- Field Date
- 1954-1969
- Coverage Date
- 1954-1969
- Coverage Place
- Winikina Warao, Orinoco Delta, Venezuela
- Notes
- Johannes Wilbert
- bibliography not included
- 78143970
- Warao Indians