The Black Carib of Honduras: a study in acculturation
University Microfilms • Ann Arbor, Mich. • Published In 1989 • Pages:
By: Coelho, Ruy Galvão de Andrade.
This study is an analysis of the Garifuna ' their economic and social organization and belief system, in which mechanisms making for retention, reinterpretation and syncretism were extensively used' (p. 21). These particular aspects were chosen for examination because the author believes that they represent the highlights of a culture functioning under severe pressure and best show the resourcefulness and ingenuity of an ethnic population in preserving the essential values and meaning of their cultural heritage in a continuing process of adaptation. Other data in the source included in or exclusive of the coverage listed above are: cultural history, geography, marriage and the family, foods and food preparation, family income and expenditures, the supernatural world, death rituals, religious practitioners, and Catholic holidays and secular festivals. Much of the above information is also equally relevant to the Island Caribs or Callinago. The field work for this study was undertaken by the author from August 1947 to August 1948, nine and a half months of which were spent in the Garifuna town of Trujillo. Other Garifuna settlements studied were on the Island of Roatan, and the Caribbean Coast from Puerto Barrios in Guatemala to Iriona in the Mosquitia Territory.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2005
- Region
- Middle America and the Caribbean
- Sub Region
- Central America
- Document Type
- Book
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Ethnologist
- Document Rating
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- John Beierle ; 1989-1991
- Field Date
- 1947-1948
- Coverage Date
- 1947-1948
- Coverage Place
- Trujillo, Honduras
- Notes
- By Ruy Coelho
- UM0013076
- Includes bibliographical references (p. 298-308)
- Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Evanston, Illinois, Northwestern University, 1955
- Garifuna (Caribbean people)