Western Carolines: the island of Yap
Boletín • 34 • Published In 1893 • Pages: HRAF ms: 1, 30 leaves [original: 251-279 ]
By: Montes de Oca, José.
This is a brief ethnographic account of the people of the island of Yap. The author apparently was a Spanish government official who has attempted to record the everyday life and culture of the Yap people. Because Spain had just opened a factory on Yap, this ethnographic survey was probably done in order to increase Spanish knowledge and understanding of these people, thereby creating a favorable economic relationship between Spain and Yap. The information includes the physical characteristics of the island, climate, fauna and flora, population composition, material culture, economy, social and political organization, and religion. Montes de Oca also includes a very brief historical summary of Yap from 1696 through 1870.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2000
- Region
- Oceania
- Sub Region
- Micronesia
- Document Type
- article
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Government Official
- Document Rating
- 3: Good, useful data, but not uniformly excellent
- Analyst
- Heather Fellows ; John Beierle ; 1975
- Field Date
- no date
- Coverage Date
- 1890
- Coverage Place
- Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia
- Notes
- José Montes de Oca
- 'Slaves' are indexed for for Slavery (566)
- Translation of: [Carolinas Occidentales. la isla de Yap]
- Translated from the German in 1942 for the Yale Cross-Cultural Survey in connection with the Navy Pacific Islands Handbook Project
- Yapese (Micronesian people)/Yap (Micronesia)