Just one house: a description and analysis of kinship in the Palau Islands
Bishop Museum Press • Honolulu, Hawaii • Published In 1972 • Pages: 20-143
By: Force, Roland W., Force, Maryanne.
This monograph presents a detailed description and analysis of Belau kinship. The reader will also find much information scattered throughout this work on village life, men and women's clubs, the family group, age stratification, politics, status, and inheritance. In many cases the authors discuss the various aspects of Belauan ethnography described above from the standpoint of the rapid internal and external changes taking place in the society.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2017
- Region
- Oceania
- Sub Region
- Micronesia
- Document Type
- Book
- Evaluation
- Creator Types
- Ethnologist
- Sociologist
- Document Rating
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- John Beierle; 1990
- Field Date
- 1954-1971
- Coverage Date
- 1900-1972
- Coverage Place
- Koror on Koror Island; Ngerechelong on BabeldaobIsland, Republic of Belau
- Notes
- Roland W. Force and Maryanne Force
- Includes bibliographical references (p. 131-139)
- 72088778
- Palauans
- Kinship--Palau
- Palau--Social life and customs