Kula in Vakuta: the mechanics of keda
kula : new perspectives on massim exchange • Cambridge, U.K. • Published In 1983 • Pages: 201-227
By: Campbell, Shirley F..
Campbell describes details of the operation of Kula transactions on Vakuta Island which seem to indicate a somewhat different picture than that of the 'simple exchange' mentioned by Malinowski in his 'Argonauts of the western Pacific' (1: Malinowski). Campbell looks at inter-community exchange and the operation and mechanics of KEDA, a term used to describe the route along which Kula shell valuables are exchanged, as well as the linkage between and the ultimate network involved in the Kula (pp. 202-203). Campbell concludes that the Kula (when she observed it) is a finely balanced affair in '…which Vakutan men compete for power and influence in their local political and economic spheres, resulting in the inter-community exchange, Kula, being subordinated to the more important intra-community competition' (p. 220).
- HRAF PubDate
- 1995
- Region
- Oceania
- Sub Region
- Melanesia
- Document Type
- essay
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Ethnologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- John Beierle
- Field Date
- Sept. 1976-Jan. 1978
- Coverage Date
- 1976-1978
- Coverage Place
- Vakuta Island, Papua New Guinea
- Notes
- [by] Shirley F. Campbell
- Bibliography will be found in 36: Leach, Information Sources Listed in Other Works (113)
- 82004142
- Trobriand Islanders