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Franz, Allen R. | Huichol ethnohistory | 1996 |
Furst, Peter T. | Huichol conceptions of the soul | 1967 |
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Grimes, Joseph Evans | Semantic distinctions in Huichol (Uto-Aztecan) kinship | 1962 |
Klineberg, Otto | Notes on the Huichol | 1934 |
Lemaistre, Denis | The deer that is peyote and the deer that is maize | 1996 |
Liffman, Paul M. | Gourdvines, fires, and Wixárika territoriality | 2000 |
Lumholtz, Carl | Unknown Mexico | 1973 |
Lumholtz, Carl | The Huichol Indians of Mexico | 1898 |
MacLean, Hope | The "deified" heart | 2000 |
Myerhoff, Barbara G. | Peyote hunt | 1974 |
Preuss, Konrad Theodor | Konrad Theodor Preuss (1869-1938) on the Huichols | 1996 |
Schaefer, Stacy B. | Culture summary | 2016 |
Schaefer, Stacy B. | The loom and time in the Huichol world | 1989 |
Schaefer, Stacy B. | Introduction | 1996 |
Schaefer, Stacy B. | The crossing of the souls | 1996 |
Schaefer, Stacy B. | The cosmos contained | 1996 |
Schaefer, Stacy B. | Glossary | 1996 |
Schaefer, Stacy B. | Bibliography | 1996 |
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Valadez, Susana | Wolf power and interspecies communication in Huichol shamanism | 1996 |
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Zingg, Robert M. (Robert Mowry) | Report of the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfeiffer expedition for Huichol ethnography | 1938 |