Carawan, Guy | Ain't you got a right to the tree of life? | 1989 |
Creel, Margaret Washington | 'A peculiar people' | 1988 |
Creel, Margaret Washington | Gullah attitudes toward life and death | 1990 |
Georgia Writers' Project. Savannah Unit | Drums and shadows | 1986 |
Guthrie, Patricia | Catching sense | 1996 |
Johnson, Guion Griffis | A social history of the Sea Islands | 1930 |
Johnson, Guy Benton | Folk culture on St. Helena Island, South Carolina | 1930 |
Jones-Jackson, Patricia | When roots die | 1987 |
Jones-Jackson, Patricia | The status of Gullah | 1989 |
Moran, Mary H. | Culture summary | 2005 |
Nichols, Patricia Causey | Linguistic change in Gullah | 1989 |
Parrish, Lydia | Slave songs of the Georgia Sea Islands | 1942 |
Smith, Franklin O. | A cross generational study of the parental discipline practices and beliefs of Gullah blacks of the Carolina Sea Islands | 1989 |
Smith, Reed | Gullah | 1926 |
Trott, Wendy Carmen | An Afrocentric analysis of the transition and transformation of African Medicine (Root Medicine) as spiritual practice among Gullah people of Lowcountry South Carolina | 2005 |