Koniag prehistory: archaeological investigations at late prehistoric sites on Kodiak Island, Alaska
W. Kohlhammer • Stuttgart • Published In 1974 • Pages: ix, 271
By: Clark, Donald Woodforde.
This source is concerned with 'the native culture (of Kodiak) at and shortly preceding the time of historic contact and with the question of earlier cultural change,' i.e., the origins of the Koniag culture (p. 2). The author analyses his own archaeological material, and compares it with archaeological reports on neighboring regions, both on Kodiak Island and on the mainland. He uses ethnohistorical material written by visitors to the Koniag during the 18th and 19th centuries to provide as full a context as possible for his excavated material. Particular attention is paid to neighboring archaeological assemblages in order to develop an account of Koniag origins consistent with what is known for the rest of the North Pacific-Bering Sea area.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2005
- Region
- North America
- Sub Region
- Arctic and Subarctic
- Document Type
- Book
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Archaeologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Martin Malone ; 1976
- Field Date
- four summers (1961-1964)
- Coverage Date
- A.D. 1000-1800 (archaeology); mid-1960's (ethnography)
- Coverage Place
- Kodiak Island, Alaska, United States
- Notes
- Donald Woodford Clark
- Prehistory 172 has been used for both site descriptions and archaeological horizons, as well as for comparisons of Koniag material with the pre-Koniag and the south coast of Alaska, a part of the same file unit. Artifact descriptions are, however, under the appropriate functional categories, such as General Tools 412; faunal remains have been indexed for Fauna (136), floral for Flora (13)7, etc. Plates are located on pages 191-271, but have been indexed for the same subjects as those pages which refer to them.
- Based on the author's thesis (Ph.D.), University of Wisconsin, 1968
- Includes bibliographical references (p. 185-188)
- 74180101
- Eskimos--Alaska--Kodiak Island--Antiquities/Kodiak Island (Alaska)--Antiquities