Pourquoi les Massa prèférent-ils le sorgho?: heurs et malheurs de la riziculturre irriguée au Nord-Cameroun
Journal des anthropologues • 74 • Published In 1998 • Pages: 117-126
By: Arditi, Claude.
The introduction of rice cultivation as a replacement for the traditional Masa subsistence system had mixed results, primarily due to the importance of cattle in the Masa marriage system and social relations. Productivity varied according to household size, family life cycle, and proximity to main irrigation canals, among other factors. The author also describes how Masa swap land to avoid paying royalties on their produce, with many absentee landlords accumulating multiple plots and hiring farm workers.
- Region
- Africa
- Sub Region
- Central Africa
- Document Type
- article
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Ethnologist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Ian Skoggard; 2020
- Field Date
- no date given
- Coverage Date
- 1950-1986
- Coverage Place
- Yagoua, Mayo-Danay department, Far North region, Cameroon
- Notes
- Claude Arditi
- Includes bibliographical references (p. 117-131)
- Masa (African people)