
On agriculture: in three volumes : I. Res Rustica I-IV

Harvard University Press ; William HeinemannCambridge • Published In 1960 • Pages: 34, 461

By: Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, Ash, Harrison Boyd.

The Res Rustica, is the most comprehensive and systematic of all treaties of Roman writers on agricultural affairs: (p. xvii). The extant manuscript is composed of 12 books. This source contains the first four (7 and 8: Columella contain the others). Book I covers choice of land, water supply, management of farm buildings, and distribution of labor among staff. Book II deals with agriculture proper, that is, plowing, fertilization, and care of crops. Books III and IV concern the cultuivation, grafting and pruning of fruit trees, shrubs, and vines, but the majority of the discussion concentrates on vineyards. English text is located on the odd numbered pages and Latin text on the even.
Imperial Romans
HRAF PubDate
Sub Region
Southern Europe
Document Type
Creator Type
Indigenous Person
Document Rating
4: Excellent Secondary Data
5: Excellent Primary Data
Martin Malone ; 1976
Field Date
uncertain, probably written 60-65 A.D.
Coverage Date
4 B.C. - 65 A.D.(?)
Coverage Place
Rome, Italy
Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella
Notes to the text not found on the bottom of the English text page are located on the previous (Latin text) page. Those with relevant information have been indexed for the appropriate subjects.
With a recension of the text and an English translation by Harrison Boyd Ash
Includes bibliographical references (v. 1, p. xxiii-xxvii)
a 42003263
Agriculture--Early works to 1800