Notes on the customs and popular superstitions of the Annamese
Excursions et Reconnaissances • 2 (6) • Published In 1880 • Pages: 447-464
By: Landes, A., Strauss, Mrs. M..
This is one of a series of articles on Annamese customs which were published between 1880 and 1883. Landes was one-time mayor of Cholon, and the data for these articles evidently are the result of some years of experience and observation as a resident of Cochinchina. This article includes material on miscarriages and the popular practices to avoid them; the beliefs, practices and ceremonies connected with pregnancy and childbirth; sorcery with emphasis on the use of the magical NGAI plant; poisoners; funeral ceremonies for drowned persons; the dolphin as an object of veneration; a short but interesting discussion of jargon in the form of both a special vocabulary and systematic changes in the form of words; and actors and the mechanics of theatrical productions.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2000
- Region
- Asia
- Sub Region
- Southeast Asia
- Document Type
- article
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Government Official
- Document Rating
- 3: Good, useful data, but not uniformly excellent
- Analyst
- Roseanne Mandler ; 1953: John Beierle ; 2006
- Field Date
- No date
- Coverage Date
- ca. 1880
- Coverage Place
- southern (NAM BO) Vietnam
- Notes
- [by] A. Landes
- Translation of: [Notes sur les moeurs et les superstitions populaires des Annamites]
- Translated from the French for Human Relations Area Files by Mrs. M. Strauss
- Vietnamese