Some statistical data on suicide in Vietnam
Dân Viet Nam : le Peuple Vietnamien • (3) • Published In 1949 • Pages: 55-59
By: Smolski, T., Messner, Charles A..
This brief study of suicide in Vietnam is concerned mainly with the available statistics. Smolski cites the limitations of Vietnamese statistics and of their French models. He presents the distribution of suicides by sex, age and method employed, comparing Vietnamese figures with those of France and other European nations. Smolski follows Durkheim's classification in his survey of the causes of suicide in Vietnam. Additional information on the entire subject of suicide and, specifically, on its causes can be found in Dr. Vu-Cong Hoe's study, DU SUICIDE DANS LA SOCIéTé ANNAMITE, document number 72 in the Indochina file.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2000
- Region
- Asia
- Sub Region
- Southeast Asia
- Document Type
- article
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Social Scientist
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- Analyst
- Jean Mensch ; 1952; Teferi A. Adem ; 2006
- Field Date
- No date
- Coverage Date
- 1932-1942
- Coverage Place
- Vietnam
- Notes
- [by] T. Smolski
- Translation of: [Quelques donnees statistiques sur le suicide au Vietnam]
- Translated from the French for the HRAF files by Charles Messner ca. 1952
- Vietnamese