The role of women in Tonkinese religion and property
L'Entente Linotypiste • Paris • Published In 1935 • Pages:
By: Lustéguy, Pierre, Messner, Charles A..
This work on the Annamese women of Tonkin in relation to property set aside for worship (Huong-Hoa) is a doctoral thesis presented to the Faculty of Letters at the University of Paris in 1935. Lustéguy compared his research with the results of an inquiry on Annamese customs by a Committee on Jurisprudence. He discusses property set aside for worship (mainly the Huong-Hoa in comparison with other forms), its development according to the Opinions of the Committee and the Code of the Le, the role of women in their varying status in the family and the phenomenon of the husband-son-in-law. This is a well documented, objective study which brings out many of the problems involved in understanding modern customs.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2000
- Region
- Asia
- Sub Region
- Southeast Asia
- Document Type
- Book
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Government Official
- Document Rating
- 4: Excellent Secondary Data
- Analyst
- Roseanne Mandler ; 1953
- Field Date
- 1925-1932
- Coverage Date
- 1925-1932
- Coverage Place
- Vietnam
- Notes
- [by] Pierre Lustéguy
- Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Paris, 1935
- Translation of: [La femme annamite du Tonkin dans l'institution des biens cultuels (Huong-Hoa) (étude sur une enquete récente)]
- Includes bibliography and index
- Translated from the French for the HRAF files by C. A. Messner ca. 1953
- Vietnamese