Religious beliefs of the Miao and I tribes in An-shun Kweichow
Pien-chen Kung-lun [Frontier Affairs] • 1 (7,8) • Published In 1942 • Pages: 88-92 [HRAF ms: i, 14 ]
By: Chen, Guojun, Tsao, Lien-en.
The religious life of the Miao and Miao-acculturated Chung-chia of the An-shun ara is described. Attention is given to the following topics: Chinese influence on religion (including ancestral tablets); Catholic and Protestant missions; mediums, both male and female; the spirit theory of disease; magical and mental therapy; native deities; purification ceremonies; ancestor worship; medical killing of children (sic); divination; and sorcery.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2009
- Region
- Asia
- Sub Region
- East Asia
- Document Type
- article
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Ethnologist
- Document Rating
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- Arthur Fields
- Field Date
- No date
- Coverage Date
- 1940-1942
- Coverage Place
- An-shun area, Kweichow Province, China
- Notes
- [by] Kuo-chun Ch'en ; translation by Lien-en Tsao
- Translation of: [Kweichow An-shun Miao-I ti tsung-chiao hsin Yang]
- The original Chinese text is not available in the eHRAF Collection
- Translated from the Chinese for the Human Relations Area Files by Lien-en Tsao
- Religion--Hmong (Asian people)