book chapter
A report on an investigation of the Miao of western Hunan
Academia Sinica, The Institute of History and Philology • (18) • Published In 1947 • Pages: HRAF ms: xi, 356 [original: xxiii, 479 ]
By: Ling, Shun-sheng, Ruey, Yifu, Tsao, Lien-en.
This is an investigation of the Hunan Miao who were visited by Ling and Ruey in the spring and summer of 1933. Data in the chapters on history and geography and in chapters 6 and 7 on Miao officials and the T'un system of defense are from secondary sources. Ethnographic data appearing in this source pertain to: cultural identification and geographical distribution of the Miao, geography, economics, family organization, marriage, funerary practices, political organization, magic and religion, and dances and amusements. There is much information in this source on Miao religion, especially in regard to propitiation ceremonies for the purposes of curing, insuring luck, etc., and on the various Miao dances.
- HRAF PubDate
- 2009
- Region
- Asia
- Sub Region
- East Asia
- Document Type
- book chapter
- Evaluation
- Creator Type
- Ethnologist
- Document Rating
- 5: Excellent Primary Data
- Analyst
- John Beierle
- Field Date
- 1933
- Coverage Date
- 1933
- Coverage Place
- Hunan Province, China
- Notes
- [by] Shun-sheng Ling and Yih-fu Ruey ; translation by Lien-en Tsao
- Translation of:[Hsiang-hsi Miao-tsu Tiao-ch's Pao-kao]
- The original Chinese text is not included in the eHRAF collection. The original text is included in the HRAF microfiche collection
- Translated from the Chinese for the Human Relations Area Files by Lien-en Tsao
- Chapter X, Folklore is not included
- Ethnology--Hmong (Asian people)/Religion--Hmong (Asian people)