Citing a document seen in eHRAF
When citing a document from eHRAF, please include both the original publication citation (if applicable) followed by information about where and when you found it. You should also include the date of access for any eHRAF resource to complete your bibliographic reference.
When using the format_quote Cite button (see Finding citation information), document permalinks are automatically included with the citation information so you can copy and paste them easily into your bibliography. If you choose not to use the automatically formatted citations, we recommend that you still include the document permalink in the citation so that readers can be directed to the exact eHRAF resources that you are referring to. They will be prompted to log in to eHRAF as required to view the full document.
Sample References
Evans-Pritchard, E. E. (Edward Evan). 1937. Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
For eHRAF culture summaries (found in Browse Cultures):
Ogan, Eugene. 2014. “Culture Summary: Tinputz.” New Haven: Human Relations Area Files.