book chapter

Journey to the northeast of European Russia, through the tundras of the Samoyeds, to the Artic Ural Mountains

Heinrich LaakmannDorpat • Published In 1854 • Pages:

By: Schrenk, Alexander Gustav, Schütze, Frieda.

The material included in this source is from Part 2 of Schrenks 2 part work. Only Chapters 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, and 14 pertain to the Samoyed and these have been translated for the Files. The first volume contained only scattered information about the Samoyed and, therefore, was not translated. The author did fieldwork among the Samoyed for the Imperial Botanical Gardens of St. Petersburg. In this work, he discusses the Samoyed who live on the Mezen and Timan tundras and also those on the Kanin Peninsula. Chapter 6, which contains excerpts from the “Supreme Law of the Year 1835,” is the most important chapter in this source. It lists the laws which were used by the Russians to govern the Samoyed. In Chapter 11, the author relates some representative Samoyed folk songs; Chapter 13 is an account of the fauna and game animals of the tundras and the methods for hunting and trapping used by the Samoyed; finally, Chapter 14 contains information dealing with marine hunting, especially sealing. Since the marine hunting techniques of the Russian promyshlenniks are so similar to those of the Samoyeds this information has been marked for category 225 in this file.
HRAF PubDate
Sub Region
North Asia
Document Type
book chapter
Creator Type
Natural Scientist
Document Rating
5: Excellent Primary Data
Stephen F. Borhegyi ; 1951 ; Heather Fellows ; John Beierle ; 1975
Field Date
by Alexander Gustav Schrenk
Translation of: [Reise nach dem Nordosten des europäischen Russlands, durch die Tundren der Samojeden, zum Arktischen Uralgebirge]
Translated for the HRAF files by Frieda Schütze