Social condition, beliefs, and linguistic relationship of the Tlingit Indians
Book 1905 Swanton, John Reed

TlingitNorth America > Northwest Coast and California
Swanton's article consists of a survey of Tlingit culture, with particular emphasis on social organization and religious belief. The list of geographical groups and clans is especially thorough. In several places, Tlingit culture is compared with tha...

Contributions to the ethnology of the Haida
Book 1905 Swanton, John Reed

HaidaNorth America > Northwest Coast and California
This account of the author's ten months among the Haida as part of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition is, altogether, a thorough account of the culture at the time. The main subjects discussed are history, religion, social organization, and language....

Social organization and social usages of the Indians of the Creek confederacy
Book 1928 Swanton, John Reed

CreekNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
This document is the first part of a comprehensive ethnography of the Indians of the Creek confederacy. The second part, that deals with religion and medicine will be found in document 2:Swanton. Swanton has worked with historical materials as well a...

Religious beliefs and medicinal practices of the Creek Indians
Book 1928 Swanton, John Reed

CreekNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
This document is the second part of a comprehensive ethnography of the Indians of the Creek Confederacy. The first part, that deals with social organization, will be found in document 1:Swanton. Swanton includes here materials on Creek cosmology, myt...

The Natchez group
book chapter 1911 Swanton, John Reed

NatchezNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
This document distills information from French seventeenth and eighteenth century documents, organizing it topically, including: clothing, ornaments, arts and industries, economic life, medicine, education, games, etiquette, marriage, social organiza...