eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Marriage among !Kung Bushmenarticle 1959 • Marshall, Lorna
San • Africa > Southern Africa
This is a study of marriage among the Kung based on fieldwork undertaken in 1952-53 as a member of the Harvard Peabody-Smithsonian Kalahari Expeditions. The author, an ethnologist, provides information on marriage regulations and incest taboos, betro...The kin terminology system of the !Kung Bushmenarticle 1957 • Marshall, Lorna
San • Africa > Southern Africa
This source deals with the kinship system of the Kung. The author discusses the principles underlying their kinship system, gives the terms used for various categories of kinsmen, and offers an interpretation of joking relations. In addition some mat...N!owarticle 1957 • Marshall, Lorna
San • Africa > Southern Africa
In this article the author describes some San beliefs regarding rain and cold and the powers vested in animals and humans which are used to influence rain is also given along with some information on climate and seasonal variation. The author, an eth...Sharing, talking, and givingarticle 1961 • Marshall, Lorna
San • Africa > Southern Africa
This article is a well-detailed account of some of the methods by which the !Kung manage to control antagonisms encountered in their daily interpersonal relations. The principal means discussed through conversations, gifts, and cooperative sharing of...!Kung Bushman religious beliefsarticle 1962 • Marshall, Lorna
San • Africa > Southern Africa
This paper describes some of the religious beliefs of the !Kung San of the interior bands of the Nyae Nyae region of South West Africa. The article concentrates on the concepts of the gods and the spirits of the dead. The author points out changes in...The !Kung Bushmen of the Kalahari Desertessay 1965 • Marshall, Lorna
San • Africa > Southern Africa
This summary article on the !Kung San was written by a cultural anthropologist especially for this volume. The authenticity of her descriptions derives from a decade of field research experience among the San. Due to its recency and comprehensiveness...The !Kung of Nyae NyaeBook 1976 • Marshall, Lorna
San • Africa > Southern Africa
This source provides a basic ethnographic description of the Nyae Nyae !Kung. Chapters are organized around the topics of environment and settlement, plant foods and gathering, animal foods and hunting, family and band, kin relationships and terminol...