eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Ute talesarticle 1901 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Ute • North America > Southwest and Basin
Kroeber presents twelve folktales of the Uintah Utes. Included among these myths are the theft of fire, the pursuit of the rolling stone or skull, and the unsuccessful imitation of the host. The myths vary in terms of similarity with myths of other c...Zuñi kin and clanBook 1917 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Zuni • North America > Southwest and Basin
This account is based on field work undertaken in 1915-1916. The author, a famed ethnologist, discusses Zuni kinship, household and family organization and clans. He evaluates their importance for social relationships and membership in other groups p...Ethnology of the Gros VentreBook 1908 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Gros Ventre • North America > Plains and Plateau
The data for this study were collected by the author, a distinguished American anthropologist, during one of the very early field trips made in his professional career. The article presented here is lacking in over-all ethnographic coverage with litt...Pomo Indiansbook chapter 1953 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Pomo • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This document dealing with the Pomo Indians is divided into three primary parts comprising chapters 15-17. The first of these divisions deals with such topics as habitat, environment, political divisions, lists of village communities, wars, and food ...Pomobook chapter 1911 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Pomo • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This document describes several aspects of Pomo languages. It includes sections on phonetics, grammatical methods, nouns, pronouns, demonstratives, interrogatives, adjectives, adverbs, numerals, verbs, composition and derivation, verb stems, and a br...Pomobook chapter 1917 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Pomo • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This selection is a brief section from a larger work on California kinship systems. Kroeber gives a summary statement of the kinship terms of the Clear Lake Pomo and includes some comments on the general features and relations of the Pomo kinship sys...The Tübatulabalbook chapter 1925 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Tubatulabal • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This summary ethnology of the Tubatulabal is a portion of the results of seventeen years of fieldwork among the Indians of California. It contains sections on geography, arts, society, and religion....The Yokutsbook chapter 1953 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Yokuts • North America > Northwest Coast and California
The Yokuts section of Kroeber's Handbook deals primarily with geography, social institutions, religious cults and material culture. The information is concise. Illustrations of material culture items are included....The Yokuts language of south central Californiabook chapter 1907 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Yokuts • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This document deals primarily with the linguistic relations between the various sub-groups constituting the Yokuts, and to a lesser degree with the linguistic affiliations between the Yokuts language and that of neighboring tribal groups -- Wintun, M...Yokuts namesarticle 1906 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Yokuts • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This article describes the Yokuts' practice of giving two names to an individual and relates this to the taboo on speaking the names of deceased persons who have served as namesakes. A list of some names is also given....The Yukibook chapter 1972 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Yuki • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This is a brief sketch of certain aspects of Yuki ethnography, dealing primarily with location, tribal divisions, community organization, language, trade, warfare, and population size (ca. early twentieth century)....The Yukibook chapter 1972 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Yuki • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This is the Yuki culture entry for the Handbook of the Indians of California (1925) by Alfred Kroeber. It is a classic monograph that discusses everything from utensils and dress to marriage and warfare. Other topics include food, houses, leadership,...The Yukibook chapter 1972 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Yuki • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This is the Yuki religion entry for the Handbook of the Indians of California (1925) by Alfred Kroeber. Kroeber discusses cosmogony, general rituals and ceremonies, initiation ceremonies into various socieites, and shamans....The Huchnom and Coast Yukibook chapter 1972 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Yuki • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This is Kroeber's entry on the Huchnom and Coast Yuki for the Handbook of the Indians of California. He discusses their cultural afiliations, rituals, mythology, dances, calendar, chiefs, marriage customs, names, and material culture....Yuki mythsarticle 1932 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Yuki • North America > Northwest Coast and California
Ralph Moore dictated these myths in the Yuki language in 1902. They were translated in 1931. This collection includes three versions of the Yuki origin myth and various myths concerning the mythological figure Coyote....Law of the Yurok Indiansarticle 1928 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Yurok • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This brief account, by a leading American anthropologist, sets forth the principles of Yurok law with brief explanations of some of them. Included are descriptions of the wegô or mediators who adjudicate cases. The ramifications of the sanctions for ...Handbook of the Indians of Californiabook chapter 1925 • Kroeber, A. L. (Alfred Louis)
Yurok • North America > Northwest Coast and California
This source is the part of Kroeber's comprehensive survey of California Indians dealing with the Yurok. The first chapter is a summary and comparative study of the northwestern California tribes and their cultural affinity with other tribes of the Pa...