Participation in ceremonials in a Navaho community
book chapter 1938 Kluckhohn, Clyde

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is particularly good as a methodological study. It deals with actual amounts of time and income devoted to ceremonial activity by specific Navajo tribesmen....

Personality formation among the Navaho Indians
book chapter 1946 Kluckhohn, Clyde

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is a very short source, but it contains a list of 'crucial variables' in personality formation which will interest a student of Navaho personality....

A Navaho personal document with a brief Paretian analysis
book chapter 1945 Kluckhohn, Clyde

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
The article presents an interesting study in method as well as a valuable addition to Navajo ethnology....

Some aspects of Navaho infancy and early childhood
book chapter 1947 Kluckhohn, Clyde

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This source presents the generalized results of an intensive study of a group of Navaho children from the Ramah area, as regards certain outstanding features of early life (i.e., cradle practices, nursing, weaning, toilet training, and infant sexuali...

Navaho witchcraft
book chapter 1944 Kluckhohn, Clyde

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is the most lengthy and thorough study in existence devoted exclusively to witchcraft among the Navajos. (In fact, there is only one other, and that is by a psychologist.) The author, an outstanding authority on the tribe, has lived among Navajo...

Group tensions
book chapter 1945 Kluckhohn, Clyde

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is a short summary history of the increase in tensions among the Navajo for the period between 1870 and 1945. In suggesting tentative methods for acculturating the tribe, Dr. Kluckhohn pays tribute to the aims of the top level of the Indian Bure...

Navaho women's knowledge of their song ceremonials
book chapter 1938 Kluckhohn, Clyde

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
In an effort to discover the degree of participation of Navajo women in ceremonial knowledge and song ceremonies, the author questioned sixty women in the Ramah area. This article summarizes the conclusions he reached, which indicate that except in c...

As an anthropologist views it
book chapter 1948 Kluckhohn, Clyde

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is an excerpt from an article by Clyde Kluckhohn, Professor of Anthropology at Harvard University, which was included in a symposium discussion the implications of SEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN THE HUMAN MALE, by Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin. The material e...

The Ramah Navajo
article 1966 Kluckhohn, Clyde

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This source represents the last ethnographic material written by the author before his death. It is primarily a short summary of the Ramah Navajo based on research conducted between 1936 and 1955. Consequently, brief data are included on all elements...

Some notes on Navaho dreams
book chapter 1951 Kluckhohn, Clyde & Morgan, William

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is a brief article giving the content of fourteen dreams experienced by an acculturated family of five persons. The dreams are interpreted psychoanalytically and are, according to Kluckhohn, typical of other Navajo dreams in many ways and especi...

The Navaho
book chapter 1946 Kluckhohn, Clyde & Leighton, Dorothea (Cross)

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is an excellent srudy of the Navajo in the early to mid-twentieth century. The book was undertaken as part of the Indian Education Research Project to compare personality development in five American tribes to help evaluate the Government Indian...

An introduction to Navaho chant practice
book chapter 1940 Kluckhohn, Clyde & Wyman, Leland Clifton

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
The generalized pattern of chant practice is described with special reference to Holy Way chants. The authors have been scrupulous about details of the ceremonials and noted variations when they occur. They believe that when original observations can...

Two Navaho children over a five-year period
book chapter 1949 Kluckhohn, Clyde & Rosenzweig, Janine Chapat

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
In this paper, the authors present materials that bear upon methodological issues in the study of primitive children. Taking two Navajo children of the Ramah area for whom case histories up to 1942 were given in 'Children of the People' (see 2: Leigh...

Navaho material culture
Book 1971 Kluckhohn, Clyde et al.

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This source is intended to be a more or less complete reference volume on Navajo material culture from several different regions, representing everything which elderly informants could remember (pp. v-vi). The text consists of very detailed descripti...

Children of the people
book chapter 1947 Leighton, Dorothea (Cross) & Kluckhohn, Clyde

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is the most complete published book on the application of personality and intelligence tests to Navajo children. The results of those tests are balanced against the knowledge the authors (one an anthropologist, the other a psychiatrist) have fro...

Navaho classification of their song ceremonials
Book 1938 Wyman, Leland Clifton & Kluckhohn, Clyde

NavajoNorth America > Southwest and Basin
The authors present a classification scheme for Navajo song ceremonials. This scheme is correlated to the purpose of and etiological factors associated with each ceremony. Particularly useful is the attention given to variation and the insights about...