eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Culture Summaryessay 2012 • Dentan, Robert Knox
Semai • Asia > Southeast Asia
This is a culture summary of the Semai. Information is presented on major aspects of the Semai culture....Senoiessay 1964 • Dentan, Robert Knox
Semai • Asia > Southeast Asia
This source presents a detailed cultural summary of the Senoi of Malaya, covering virtually all aspects of the ethnology. Intra-cultural differences between the major groups of Senoi – the Semai, Temiar, Jah Hut and Che Wong – are discussed where the...Some Senoi Semai dietary restrictionsBook 1988 • Dentan, Robert Knox
Semai • Asia > Southeast Asia
This source is a study of the ritual treatment of food among the Senoi Semai of the Malay Peninsula. The first four chapters of the study discuss in detail the Senoi people and environment and Senoi subsistence strategies, social organization, and so...If there were no Malays, who would the Semai be?essay 1975 • Dentan, Robert Knox
Semai • Asia > Southeast Asia
The central consideration of this source is ”how Semai come to include some of their fellows as sen'oi hii' (“we people”) and to exclude others as mai (“they”)” (p. 50). In analyzing this question the author makes reference to the Semai grammar and c...Notes on childhood in nonviolent contextessay 1978 • Dentan, Robert Knox
Semai • Asia > Southeast Asia
This source focuses on describing the ways in which the Semai enculturate their children to be non-violent. As the author views the problem of enculturation into non-violence, the process begins before the child's birth. Thus, the author examines con...he Semai: a nonviolent people of Malaya.Book 1968 • Dentan, Robert Knox
Semai • Asia > Southeast Asia
This source is a general survey of the Senoi Semai of the hills and mountains of central Malaysia. The topics covered in the source include environment, demography, subsistence pattern, ethnoscience, nonviolence and enculturation into nonviolence, po...Identity and ethnic conflictarticle 1976 • Dentan, Robert Knox
Semai • Asia > Southeast Asia
This source, which deals with Senoi Semai of West Malaysia, describes the various ways in which a number of character traits which the Senoi believe are attributed to them by non-Senoi are manipulated by them in their relationships with their rural M...Semai response to mental aberrationarticle 1968 • Dentan, Robert Knox
Semai • Asia > Southeast Asia
This source presents a sociological analysis of the responses to mental aberration exhibited by the Senoi (Semai) of central Malaya. After a brief introductory section dealing with the authors approach to the data, the discussion turns to a study of ...Hocus pocus and extensionism in Central Malayaarticle 1970 • Dentan, Robert Knox
Semai • Asia > Southeast Asia
This paper presents a componential analysis of the kinship terminology of two groups of Senoi (Semai) studied by the author – termed eastern and western in this source. According to Dentan the eastern group were far less acculturated to the predomina...Overwhelming terrorBook 2008 • Dentan, Robert Knox
Semai • Asia > Southeast Asia
This is a remarkable treatment of Dentan's original ethnographic material pushing its emotional content to express the subjective content of the material. Borrowing the concept of "learned helplessness" from psychological studies of abused children, ...Ambivalences in child training by the Semai of peninsular Malaysia and other peoplesarticle 2001 • Dentan, Robert Knox
Semai • Asia > Southeast Asia
In this article, Dentan discusses child-rearing practices in context of the Semai's basic fear of hostile and more powerful outsiders. He also discusses headhunting stories as a metaphor for the same fears....Potential food sources for foragers in Malaysian rainforestarticle 1991 • Dentan, Robert Knox
Semai • Asia > Southeast Asia
This is an ethnobotanical account of Semai cultivation, diet, and food hunting and collecting....