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Navaho diagnosticiansbook chapter 1936 • Wyman, Leland Clifton
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This article contains good material on 'hand-trembling,' 'star-gazing,' 'listening' and 'legends' as they apply to divination in diagnosing disease....Origin legends of Navaho divinatory ritesbook chapter 1936 • Wyman, Leland Clifton
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
Although previous writers on Navajo divination rites have categorically stated that diagnosticians possess no legends concerning the origin of their work, Leland C. Wyman, who was associate professor at Boston University School of Medicine at the tim...The Female Shooting Life Chantbook chapter 1936 • Wyman, Leland Clifton
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This is a detailed account of a Female Shooting Life Chant which was sung over the author in August, 1935, near Pinedale, New Mexico. The ritualistic acts are interpreted as being symbolic, commemorative of occurrences in myths of the past, and 'ther...Notes on obsolete Navaho ceremoniesbook chapter 1951 • Wyman, Leland Clifton
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This brief but extremely interesting account of some ceremonies which are now apparently obsolete among the Navajos, is drawn from the notes and plant collection assembled by the late Louisa Wade Wetherill, who spent many years at a trading post in K...Navajo ceremonial systemessay 1983 • Wyman, Leland Clifton
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This article presents an overview of the Navajo ceremonial system, particularly as it relates to curing practices. Data for the article were gathered by a prominent researcher over four decades prior to the writing of the manuscript in 1972. An expli...Blessingwaybook chapter 1970 • Wyman, Leland Clifton
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
Wyman was entrusted with editing the unpublished manuscripts and field notes of Father Berard Haile on the Blessingway myths and songs. Father Haile lived and worked as a missionary among the Navajo for 54 years beginning in 1900. He recorded three v...Notes on Navaho suicidebook chapter 1945 • Wyman, Leland Clifton & Thorne, Betty
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This is a brief report on frequency of and methods involved in Navajo suicides. It gives data on who committed suicide and some of the stated reasons for doing so....Navaho classification of their song ceremonialsBook 1938 • Wyman, Leland Clifton & Kluckhohn, Clyde
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
The authors present a classification scheme for Navajo song ceremonials. This scheme is correlated to the purpose of and etiological factors associated with each ceremony. Particularly useful is the attention given to variation and the insights about...Navaho Striped Windwaybook chapter 1946 • Wyman, Leland Clifton & Bailey, Flora L.
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This account of the Striped Windway is the only complete description of the Injury-Way sub-ritual of Holyway. The authors, who have a long list of studies of Navajo ceremonials to their credit, first present the myth behind the ceremonial and compare...Navaho girl's puberty ritebook chapter 1943 • Wyman, Leland Clifton & Bailey, Flora L.
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This is the most detailed available account of the objective behavior during a Navajo girl's puberty rite. Both the authors are well-informed authorities on Navajo ceremonials. The rite described here was sponsored by DS near Two Wells, New Mexico, a...Navaho Upward-reaching-waybook chapter 1943 • Wyman, Leland Clifton & Bailey, Flora L.
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This is an account of the Evilway ceremony for the treatment or prevention of disease or ill luck due to the influence of the ghosts of dead Navajos. For an explanation of the initials found in the text and the dates and locations of the performances...Idea and action patterns in Navaho Flintwayarticle 1945 • Wyman, Leland Clifton & Bailey, Flora L.
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This is another in the series of analyses made by Wyman and Bailey of Navajo ceremonials. Here the authors compare the objective behavior observed by them in the basic Lifeway ceremonial, Flintway, with precept as recounted by various singers, and th...Navajo Indian medical ethnobotanyBook 1941 • Wyman, Leland Clifton & Harris, Stuart Kimball
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This work is an analysis of a botanical collection made by John and Louisa Wetherill sometime between 1906 and 1931. The analysis provides a compendium of Navajo ethnobotany covering the flora within a fifty mile radius of Kayenta, Arizona, Navajo pl...Navajo eschatologybook chapter 1942 • Wyman, Leland Clifton et al.
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This is a good account by three well-known ethnologists of Navajo concepts of the afterlife. Specifically it deals with the activities of 'ghosts' and the prevention of cure of sickness resulting from them, and the nature of the after-world. Througho...An introduction to Navaho chant practicebook chapter 1940 • Kluckhohn, Clyde & Wyman, Leland Clifton
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
The generalized pattern of chant practice is described with special reference to Holy Way chants. The authors have been scrupulous about details of the ceremonials and noted variations when they occur. They believe that when original observations can...