French Indo-China
book chapter 1937 Thompson, Virginia

VietnameseAsia > Southeast Asia
A general survey of French Indochina, this work summarizes the cultural, economic and political effects of French penetration up to 1935. Most of the discussion analyzes colonization in Vietnam; there is also a brief section on Cambodia, Laos, and th...

Harris and Lewis, Outer Hebrides
Book 1973 Thompson, Francis

Highland ScotsEurope > British Isles
This monograph is a general historical treatment of Harris and Lewis island, the largest of the Hebrides. It concentrates on the last 300 years, but also contains a brief account of the island's prehistory. Included are discussions of the island's ge...

To the American Indian
Book 1916 Thompson, Lucy

YurokNorth America > Northwest Coast and California
This source was written by a member of the Yurok tribe (Klamath) and tends to over-idealize the life of the American Indian. It is, however, probably no more biased in this direction than many travellers' accounts are in the opposite direction. A lar...

Southern Lau, Fiji
Book 1940 Thompson, Laura

Lau FijiansOceania > Polynesia
This monograph focuses on social structure, and to a lesser extent, religion. Portions of the work deal with the life cycle, games, housing and other aspects of material culture, geography, and archaeology. A section of the work by a field assistant,...

Fijian frontier
Book 1940 Thompson, Laura

Lau FijiansOceania > Polynesia
This study complements Thompson's ethnography of southern Lau (2: Thompson, this file). It is a popular account compared to her previous work, and includes suggestions for bettering the condition of the people. The aim of the study is to analyze the ...

The culture history of the Lau Islands, Fiji
article 1938 Thompson, Laura

Lau FijiansOceania > Polynesia
This article, based on the written, traditional, and archaeological evidence bearing on the history of the Lau Islanders, presents an historical reconstruction of the group. The data are classified into five periods: (1) the early period; (2) the per...

The relations of men, animals, and plants in an island community (Fiji)
article 1949 Thompson, Laura

Lau FijiansOceania > Polynesia
This article demonstrates the ecological relationships between people and nature in southern Lau. Included in the discussion are materials on the physical nature of the islands and their suitability for agriculture, the systems of production and dist...

The problem of 'totemism' in southern Lau
article 1947 Thompson, Laura

Lau FijiansOceania > Polynesia
This article is a reply to a criticism by Capell and Lester on the accuracy of her findings as published in 2: Thompson, this file, especially as they related to totemism and social groupings. Thompson re-examines her data and theirs, and comes to th...

Adzes from the Lau Islands, Fiji
article 1937 Thompson, Laura

Lau FijiansOceania > Polynesia
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the islands of southern Lau were the center of the canoe industry for all Fiji, and Tonga as well. This work, combined with other highly-developed wood-working activities, necessitated the development of a number of cu...

Pottery of the Lau Islands, Fiji
article 1937 Thompson, Laura

Lau FijiansOceania > Polynesia
In this brief article, Laura Thompson discusses the now extinct pottery industry of the Lau Islands. The pottery was made on only a few of the islands, but was traded to the others. Included is a plate showing sherds and one complete pot recovered by...

Of the Assiniboines
book chapter 1961 Denig, Edwin Thompson

AssiniboineNorth America > Plains and Plateau
Denig traveled and lived in the Northwest as an employe of the American Fur Company (1836-1856) and wrote a fair bit on the tribes of the Upper Missouri. In 1854 he finished writing his major work, the 451-page-long 'Indian Tribes of the Upper Missou...

Toronto's Chinatown
Book 1989 Thompson, Richard H.

Chinese CanadiansNorth America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
This book is an examination of the history and social organization of the Chinese population in Toronto, Canada. It is an '…ethnographic study or descriptive analysis and interpretation of one ethnic minority and its historical relations with the Can...

Indian tribes of the upper Missouri
Book 1930 Denig, Edwin Thompson & Hewitt, J. N. B. (John Napoleon Brinton)

AssiniboineNorth America > Plains and Plateau
This monograph presents a general ethnography of traditional Assiniboine society as it existed in the mid 1850s. The author lived with the Indians for an entire year, (probably around 1854), gathering information and confirming the data obtained from...

Five Indian tribes of the upper Missouri
book chapter 1961 Denig, Edwin Thompson & Ewers, John C. (John Canfield)

CrowNorth America > Plains and Plateau
This source is an early account of the Crow. The general ethnographic sketch is accompanied by a fairly lengthy biography of Chief Rotten Belly who died in 1834, and several biographical sketches of other contemporary Crow leaders of note. Valuable d...

Ethnology of the Mayas of southern and central British Honduras
Book 1930 Thompson, John Eric Sidney & Laufer, Berthold (1874-1934)

Maya (Yucatán Peninsula)Middle America and the Caribbean > Maya Area
Thompson collected most of the ethnographic data in this report while a member of various archaeological expeditions to the area. He also spent two months at San Antonio village. His objective was to gather information on the Maya before the culture ...

Annamese religions
Book 1907 Dumoutier, Gustave & Thompson

VietnameseAsia > Southeast Asia
This is a series of short essays on the numerous religious cults of the Annamese. It includes considerable material on local and national shrines and ritual celebrations and on the gods and the deified heroes, real and mythical, who have been so ensh...

The social organization of the Western Apache
Book 1942 Goodwin, Grenville & Goodwin, Janice Thompson

Western ApacheNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This document offers rich data on a number of aspects of Western Apache life as it describes the various levels of group affiliation. Abundant material is provided on the clans, on marriage patterns, and on kin relationships and terminology. In addit...

Cambodia - Volume 1
book chapter 1953 Aymonier, E. (Etienne), b. 1844 & Thompson, Margaret

CambodiansAsia > Southeast Asia
This source contains a part of the first volume of a three-volume work by Aymonier, 'Le Cambodge,' that is mainly concerned with the ancient Khmer culture and its monuments. It is considered a standard work but has been outdated by the later work of ...

The Southern Utes
Book 1972 Jefferson, James et al.

UteNorth America > Southwest and Basin
Although basically a study of the cultural history of the Southern Utes, this document represents a unique approach to historical analysis--unique in the sense that it attempts to integrate recorded historical events with the memories of such events ...

Utah State University folklore collection
article 1959 Hendricks, King et al.

MormonsNorth America > Southwest and Basin
This is an uneven compendium of items collected by students in a folklore class. About half the text is devoted to oral traditions concerning folk medicine and cures. There are also two versions of a ghost story, instructions for weaving hair watch c...