The Annamese kinship system
article 1945 Spencer, Robert F.

VietnameseAsia > Southeast Asia
This paper was based on information obtained from Annamese informants employed at the University of California at Berkeley in connection with the Army Specialized Training Program. The data concern the kinship system of the Annamese-speaking peoples ...

The social context of modern Turkish names
article 1961 Spencer, Robert F.

TurksMiddle East > Middle East
This paper is a detailed study of Turkish personal names and the changes brought by the 'Name Law' of 1934-36 which required everyone to register a family name. The author concludes from his study that names are an 'interesting index of change in soc...

Aspects of Turkish kinship and social structure
article 1960 Spencer, Robert F.

TurksMiddle East > Middle East
This source presents a listing of kinship terms and the author's interpretation of the kinship system based on an analysis of these terms....

Native myth and modern religion among the Klamath Indians
article 1952 Spencer, Robert F.

KlamathNorth America > Plains and Plateau
This brief article is a discussion of the relationship between aboriginal ideas about mythology and religion and how they are integrated with Christian ideas. Kemu'kemps, the Klamath culture hero, essentially a trickster figure similar to Coyote, is ...