eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Culture summaryessay 2000 • Schlegel, Alice
Hopi • North America > Southwest and Basin
Hopi family structure and the experience of widowhoodessay 1988 • Schlegel, Alice
Hopi • North America > Southwest and Basin
African political models in the American Southwestarticle 1992 • Schlegel, Alice
Hopi • North America > Southwest and Basin
The adolescent socialization of the Hopi girlarticle 1973 • Schlegel, Alice
Hopi • North America > Southwest and Basin
Sexual antagonism among the sexually egalitarian Hopiarticle 1979 • Schlegel, Alice
Hopi • North America > Southwest and Basin
Male and female in Hopi thought and actionessay 1977 • Schlegel, Alice
Hopi • North America > Southwest and Basin
Fathers, daughters, and kachina dollsarticle 1989 • Schlegel, Alice
Hopi • North America > Southwest and Basin