Old religion among the Delawares
article 1997 Miller, Jay

DelawareNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
This article is a rebuttal to Anthony F.C. Wallace's argument that the Big House (Gamwing) ceremony of the Delaware was an 1805 'new religion' among these people. A '… review of his sources, native testimony, and continuing cultural import suggests i...

Delaware personhood
article 1991 Miller, Jay

DelawareNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Delaware conception of the 'person' (AWEN) has remained viable among older speakers of this language, both living or recently deceased in Oklahoma, and can be projected into the past using ethnohistoric and ethnographic sources. Delaware personhood i...

essay 1990 Seaburg, William R. & Miller, Jay

TillamookNorth America > Northwest Coast and California
This brief overview of Tillamook culture touches upon such topics as technology, clothing and adornment, life cycle events, subsistence, political organization, shamans, mythology, and religion....