eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
The nature of nurturearticle 1977 • Marshall, Mac
Chuuk • Oceania > Micronesia
In this article, Marshall examines Chuuk friendship and artificial kinship ties. Among the Chuuk, sibling ties are the most important kinship relationship, although they can be frought with tension due to competition over parental love, and inheritan...Weekend warriorsBook 1979 • Marshall, Mac
Chuuk • Oceania > Micronesia
Based on field work and archival research, this study examines the resaons for the prevalence of drinking and fighting among young Chuuk men. Drinking often leads to displays of bravado and picking fights, which can be fatal. Fights usually occur bet...Sibling sets as building blocks in greater Trukese societyessay 1981 • Marshall, Mac
Chuuk • Oceania > Micronesia
In this article, Marshall examines the importance of siblingship in Chuuk society. Sibling sets include natural, lineage and fictive siblings, and also spouse-in-laws. Sibling relations are delimited by commonly held land and the obligation to share ...'Problem deflation' and the ethnographic recordarticle 1990 • Marshall, Mac
Chuuk • Oceania > Micronesia
This article is largely a re-evaluation of the author's earlier work on Chuuk drinking behavior (see document no. 33) in light of criticism leveled at ethnologists for treating drunken behavior in functionalist and cultural relativist terms and not a...Silent voices speakBook 1990 • Marshall, Mac & Marshall, Leslie B.
Chuuk • Oceania > Micronesia
This is a focused study of the women's termperance movement on Moen Island, Chuuk Islands, between 1976 and 1985. Mac Marshall has written extensively on Chuuk drinking behavior (see document no. 33) and had the opportunity to study the successful en...Education of women and family size in two Micronesian communitiesarticle 1982 • Marshall, Leslie B. & Marshall, Mac
Chuuk • Oceania > Micronesia
This is an investigation of the affect of women's education and employment on fertility rates and family size among the Chuuk. The Marshalls examined two communities, one rural and the other suburban. Universal education on Chuuk began in 1947 during...Infant feeding practices in a Trukese villageessay 1984 • Marshall, Leslie B. & Marshall, Mac
Chuuk • Oceania > Micronesia
In this study, the Marshalls examine the reasons for the increase in bottlefeeding and its impact on the health of Chuuk infants. They interviewed 83 mothers and obtained information on 375 infants. Some of the reasons for the changes in infant feedi...