essay 1976 Koentjaraningrat

JavaneseAsia > Southeast Asia
This source is a cultural summary and it is a good descriptive introduction to the file. Brief summaries of most aspects of culture are presented. Subjects covered include identification, linguistic affiliations, history, economy, kin groups, marriag...

A preliminary description of the Javanese kinship system
Book 1957 Koentjaraningrat

JavaneseAsia > Southeast Asia
In this source the author addresses the purpose of this paper (“to describe the kinship system of the Javanese”) by identifying the significant ties of descent, nuclear family, kinship, and neighborhood as they are manifested in various life cycles a...

Javanese data on the unresolved problems of the kindred
article 1968 Koentjaraningrat

JavaneseAsia > Southeast Asia
In this article, Koentjaraningrat discusses some of the theoretical problems of the kindred using data from the Javanese golongon. The data were collected from the South Seraju Hills of south Central Java. The problems discussed are the center of ori...

Some social-anthropological observations of gotong rojong practices in two villages of central Java
Book 1961 Koentjaraningrat

JavaneseAsia > Southeast Asia
Koentjaraningrat documents the incidence of gotong rojong, a form of community mutual aid, in the two villages of Tjelapar and Wadjasari. Gotong rojong appears to take seven major forms: activities which emerge surrounding death or a family calamity,...

The Javanese of south central Java
essay 1960 Koentjaraningrat

JavaneseAsia > Southeast Asia
This study, written by a native Javanese who is a trained anthropologist, describes the systems of kinship and marriage of South Central java. Good summary descriptions are given of social stratification, the structure of the ndesa (a self-sustaining...

essay 1967 Koentjaraningrat

JavaneseAsia > Southeast Asia
This source, based on field work, contains a brief general ethnographic sketch of the rural village of Tjelapar. Included is information on marriage and family, life cycle, house types, the settlement pattern, major economic activities, demography, t...

Javanese culture
Book 1985 Koentjaraningrat

JavaneseAsia > Southeast Asia
This monograph presents a study of Javanese culture history and ethnography from approximately 1815-1990. Of particular interest in this document is the author's description of the differences between the cultures of the peasant population in the rur...