eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
'Udovica Jana'article 1976 • Foley, John Miles & Halpern, Barbara
Serbs • Europe > Southeastern Europe
The EPSKE PESME are epic narratives which deal with historical and mythological subjects and represent one example of the rich variety of forms of oral traditional expression found in certain areas of Yugoslavia. An example of the EPSKE PESME, as pre...Traditional recall and family historiesessay 1977 • Halpern, Barbara et al.
Serbs • Europe > Southeastern Europe
In this document the Halperns attempt to analyze the degree of reliability of recall of individuals in regard to their collective pasts. The authors examine the role of oral transmission in everyday life, then discuss how the values of the narrator m...