eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Chippewa customsBook 1929 • Densmore, Frances
Ojibwa • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
This is a study of almost all aspects of the material culture of the Chippewa. The author visited the people for the purpose of studying tribal songs, and this collection of data concerning their customs was gathered during their research. Her study ...Chippewa musicBook 1913 • Densmore, Frances
Ojibwa • North America > Arctic and Subarctic
This volume is a continuation of the author's transcription and analysis of Chippewa music (see Densmore 1929) and a study of functional relationship of these songs to Chippewa tribal life. Of particular importance are the war songs. In fact these so...Northern Ute musicBook 1922 • Densmore, Frances
Ute • North America > Southwest and Basin
This document is a description of Northern Ute music. After a brief culture summary, detailed descriptions of various different Ute songs are given. These include Bear dance songs, Sun Dance songs, miscellaneous dance songs, songs used in the treatme...Pawnee musicBook 1929 • Densmore, Frances
Pawnee • North America > Plains and Plateau
This monograph was written by a specialist in the field of American Indian music, and contains an exhaustive and thorough analysis of Pawnee songs and music. A general well-rounded culture summary of Pawnee society may be found in the text preceeding...Music of the Tule Indians of Panama 1926 • Densmore, Frances
Kuna • Middle America and the Caribbean > Central America