essay 1990 Blackman, Margaret B.

HaidaNorth America > Northwest Coast and California
This overview of Haida culture covers basic topics, including house building, subsistence, division of labor, art, social organization, ceremonies, life-cycle events, history, settlement patterns, and bibliographic sources....

Culture Summary
essay 2018 Blackman, Margaret B.

HaidaNorth America > Northwest Coast and California
This is a culture summary of the Haida people. Information is presented on major aspects of Haida culture....

During my time
Book 1982 Blackman, Margaret B. & Davidson, Florence Edenshaw

HaidaNorth America > Northwest Coast and California
This is a life history of a Haida woman, Florence Edenshaw Davidson (1896-1993), who was a key informant for several anthropologists over the course of her life, including the author. The book is also an ethnography, addressing such subjects as local...