eHRAF is comprised of thousands of ethnographic sources including monographs, journal articles, dissertations and manuscripts. Use this page to find relevant documents by searching or filtering. Each document in eHRAF also contains a Publication Information page with added metadata including brief abstracts written by HRAF analysts who have subject-indexed the file.
Navaho motor habitsbook chapter 1942 • Bailey, Flora L.
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This source contains some interesting observations on postures and motor habits of Navajos engaged in various characteristic activities....Some sex beliefs and practices in a Navaho communitybook chapter 1950 • Bailey, Flora L.
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This monograph is the second of the reports of the Ramah project. The central theme in all Ramah investigations is the necessity for intensive analysis of variation. Dr. Bailey's work on aspects of the reproductive cycle admirably fulfills this objec...Navaho foods and cooking methodsbook chapter 1940 • Bailey, Flora L.
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This is an excellent account providing detailed data from Ramah, Chaco and Pinedale. Varying degrees of acculturation are covered in a discussion of cooking utensils, methods of preparation, methods of storage, and principal food, seasonings, and bev...Navaho Striped Windwaybook chapter 1946 • Wyman, Leland Clifton & Bailey, Flora L.
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This account of the Striped Windway is the only complete description of the Injury-Way sub-ritual of Holyway. The authors, who have a long list of studies of Navajo ceremonials to their credit, first present the myth behind the ceremonial and compare...Navaho girl's puberty ritebook chapter 1943 • Wyman, Leland Clifton & Bailey, Flora L.
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This is the most detailed available account of the objective behavior during a Navajo girl's puberty rite. Both the authors are well-informed authorities on Navajo ceremonials. The rite described here was sponsored by DS near Two Wells, New Mexico, a...Navaho Upward-reaching-waybook chapter 1943 • Wyman, Leland Clifton & Bailey, Flora L.
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This is an account of the Evilway ceremony for the treatment or prevention of disease or ill luck due to the influence of the ghosts of dead Navajos. For an explanation of the initials found in the text and the dates and locations of the performances...Idea and action patterns in Navaho Flintwayarticle 1945 • Wyman, Leland Clifton & Bailey, Flora L.
Navajo • North America > Southwest and Basin
This is another in the series of analyses made by Wyman and Bailey of Navajo ceremonials. Here the authors compare the objective behavior observed by them in the basic Lifeway ceremonial, Flintway, with precept as recounted by various singers, and th...